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open api serviceopen search service
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} if ( o == 'au' || (o == 'uk' && d[d.length-2] == 'co') || (o == 'nz' && d[d.length-2] == 'co') || (o == 'au' && (d[d.length-2] == 'co' || d[d.length-2] == 'com'))) { return 1; } } return 0; }, getDomain: function(){ return this.getDomainByUrl(document.location.host); }, getDomainByUrl: function(url){ var dD = url; var dP = dD.split("."); var len = dP.length; if ( len > 2 ){ var co = ( dP[ len - 2 ] == "co" || dP[ len - 2 ] == "com" ? 1 : 0 ); dD = ( co ? dP[ len - 3 ] + "." : "" ) + dP[ len - 2 ] + "." + dP[ len - 1 ]; } return dD; }, arrUn: function(arr) { if (arr) { var a = []; var l = arr.length; for(var i=0; i 1) { if (this.stDt[lng].lngRx) { e = this.html.match(this.stDt[lng].lngRx); if (!e || (e && e.length < this.stDt[lng].lngNum)) { lng = 1; } } } else if (lng == 1) { for (var i = 2; i < this.stDt.length; i++) { // spsupport.log(i); // spsupport.log(this.stDt[i]); e = this.html.match(this.stDt[i].lngRx); // spsupport.log(e); // spsupport.log(e ? e.length : "nothing catched"); if (e && e.length > this.stDt[i].lngNum) { lng = i; break; } } } return lng; }, isStore: function(){ this.st = 0; var lng = this.isDomain(); // spsupport.log("lng = " + lng); if (!lng) { return this.st; } this.html = this.$('body').html(); if (!this.html) { this.html = ""; } var irl = this.html.match(/[ğş]/gi); if (irl && irl.length > 20) { return this.st; } var url = window.location.href; url = url.replace(/[\+-_]/g, ' '); var inUrl = url.match(/shop|marketplace|kaufen|boutique/gi); if (inUrl) { //this.matchedBrand = "In URL: " + this.arrUn(inUrl).join(" | ").replace(" | undefined",""); this.validReason = "In URL: " + this.arrUn(inUrl).join(" | ").replace(" | undefined",""); this.st = 1; } else { lng = this.lngDt(lng); // spsupport.log("lng2 = " + lng); var c, d; var eur = /(([\$\£]|eur|rs)(<[^>]+>| |\s)?([0-9]+\,)?[0-9]+)|((([0-9]+,)?[0-9]+)(<[^>]+>| |\s|\s\,\-\s)?eur?)/ig; var eurSign = /[\€\u20AC]/gi; var num = /[0-9]+\,[0-9]+/ig; if (lng > 1) { // spsupport.log("lng > 1 " + lng); // spsupport.log(this.stDt[lng].stRx); c = this.html.match(this.stDt[lng].stRx); // spsupport.log(c); if (!c) { if (this.stDt[lng].alter) { c = this.html.match(this.stDt[this.stDt[lng].alter].stRx); } } if (c && c.length > this.stDt[lng].stNum) { if(this.html.match(eurSign)) { d = this.html.match(num); } else { d = this.html.match(eur); } } } else { c = this.html.match(this.stDt[lng].stRx); if (c) { d = this.html.match(/([\$\£]|eur|rs)\s?(<[^>]+>| )?([0-9]+\,)?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]+/ig); } } //spsupport.log(c); //spsupport.log(d); if (d && c) { this.st = 1; //this.matchedBrand = this.arrUn(c).join(" | ").replace(" | undefined",""); // + this.arrUn(d).join(" | ").replace(" | undefined",""); this.validReason = this.arrUn(c).join(" | ").replace(" | undefined",""); } } return this.st; }, chCt: function(ct, pc) { var ln = ct.split('|').length; ln = parseInt(ln*pc/100); var p = new RegExp(ct, 'gi'); var r = this.txt.match(p); r = this.arrUn(r); if (r.length >= ln) { return 1; } return 0; }, isReview: function() { this.rv = 0; if (!this.isDomain()) { return 0; } this.txt = this.$('body').text(); var p = this.txt.match(/[\$\£]\s?(<[^>]+>| )?([0-9]+\,)?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]+/ig); var r = this.txt.match(/review/gi); var c = this.txt.match(/comment|rating|newsletter|rss|recommend/gi); var m = this.txt.match(/bluetooth|\bfax\b|\bbattery\b|\bcharger\b|\bgps\b|\bstereo\b|speaker|\bradio\b|subwoofers|\btv\b|projector|\bdvd\b|\bMP3|\bMP4|\bipod\b|clock|microphones|cameras|monitors|camcorder/gi); if(p && r && c && m) { this.rv = 1; } return this.rv; }, isProductInPage: function(pipProps){ var pipKeywordInDomain, pipBrandInDomain, pipLinksExists; pipKeywordInDomain = (typeof(superfish) != "undefined" ? superfish.b.pipKeywordInDomain : pipProps["pipKeywordInDomain"]); pipBrandInDomain = (typeof(superfish) != "undefined" ? superfish.b.pipBrandInDomain : pipProps["pipBrandInDomain"]); pipLinksExists = (typeof(superfish) != "undefined" ? superfish.b.pipLinksExists : pipProps["pipLinksExists"]); this.pip = 0; // this.addText = ''; // if (this.isDomain() == 0) { // return this.pip; // } if (pipLinksExists && this.$('a:regex(href,'+ pipLinksExists + ')').length > 0){ this.pip = 1; this.validReason = "links in page"; } if (pipKeywordInDomain.substring(0,2) != "\b"){ pipKeywordInDomain = "\\b"+ pipKeywordInDomain.replace(/\|/g,"\\b|\\b") + "\\b"; pipBrandInDomain = "\\b"+ pipBrandInDomain.replace(/\|/g,"\\b|\\b") + "\\b"; } var rBrands = new RegExp(pipBrandInDomain, 'gi'), rKeywords = new RegExp(pipKeywordInDomain, 'gi'); this.rBrands = rBrands; var pipBrandArrRst; if (!this.pip && pipKeywordInDomain){ var url = window.location.href; url = url.replace(/[\+-_]/g, ' '); pipBrandArrRst = url.match(rKeywords); if (pipBrandArrRst) { this.pip = 1; this.validReason = "keywords in url"; } pipBrandArrRst = url.match(rBrands); if (pipBrandArrRst != null && pipBrandArrRst.length > 0 ){ this.pip = 1; this.validReason = (this.validReason ? this.validReason + " and " : "") + "brands in url"; this.matchedBrand = pipBrandArrRst; } } if (pipBrandInDomain){ pipBrandArrRst = this.$(document).attr('title').match(rBrands); if (pipBrandArrRst != null && pipBrandArrRst.length > 0 ){ this.pip = 1; this.validReason = (this.validReason ? this.validReason + " and " : "") + "brand in title"; this.matchedBrand = this.matchedBrand ? this.matchedBrand.concat(pipBrandArrRst) : pipBrandArrRst; } } if (pipBrandInDomain){ // checking H1 var jH1 = this.$('h1'); //.text(); var tx = '', del = '***', h1s; if (jH1 && jH1.length) { jH1.each(function() { tx += spsupport.p.$(this).text() + del; }); tx = tx.replace(/( |\s){2,}/ig, ' '); h1s = tx.split(del); // array of h1 texts h1s.splice(h1s.length-1, 1); // spsupport.log(h1s); this.h1Brands(h1s, rBrands); // spsupport.log(this.h1Data); } } if (this.matchedBrand) { if (this.matchedBrand.length == 1 && this.validReason.indexOf("keywords in url") == -1) { if (this.matchedBrand[0].length < 3 || this.domain.indexOf(this.matchedBrand[0]) == 0) { this.pip = 0; } } this.matchedBrand = this.arrUn(this.matchedBrand); this.matchedBrand = this.matchedBrand.join(" | ").replace(" | undefined","").toLowerCase(); //this.matchedBrand = this.matchedBrand.toLowerCase(); } return this.pip; }, h1Brands: function(h1s, rBrands){ this.h1Data = []; var mb = []; var len = Math.min(h1s.length, 20); // spsupport.log("h1s length = " + h1s.length); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { mb = h1s[i].match(rBrands); if (mb != null && mb.length > 0 ){ this.h1Data[this.h1Data.length] = { 'mb': mb, 'tx': h1s[i] } } } if (this.h1Data && this.h1Data.length) { this.pip = 1; this.validReason = (this.validReason ? this.validReason + " and " : "") + "brand in H1"; //this.matchedBrand = this.matchedBrand ? this.matchedBrand.concat(pipBrandArrRst) : pipBrandArrRst; } }, setIsCheckoutPage: function(checkoutProps){ var docText = this.$(document).text().toLowerCase(); var mandatoryWords = checkoutProps["mandatory"]; mandatoryWords = "\\b" + mandatoryWords.replace(/\|/g,"\\b|\\b") + "\\b"; var regMv = new RegExp(mandatoryWords, 'gi'); var manIsMatch = docText.match(regMv); if(manIsMatch && manIsMatch.length > 0){ var optionalWords = checkoutProps["optional"]; optionalWords = "\\b" + optionalWords.replace(/\|/g,"\\b|\\b") + "\\b"; var optIsMatch = docText.match(optionalWords); if(optIsMatch && optIsMatch.length > 1){ this.isCheckout = true; } } if(!this.isCheckout){ var url = document.location.href; if(url.toLowerCase().indexOf("checkout") > 0 || url.toLowerCase().indexOf("payment") > 0&& this.$('iframe').length > 0){ this.isCheckout = true; } } return this.isCheckout; }, isWLPage: function(urlToValidate,successCallback,failedCallback,sfBaseUrl,wlUrl,wlVersion){ if (!urlToValidate) return; var supportedUrl; if (typeof(spsupport) != "undefined" && typeof(spsupport.p) != "undefined" && typeof(superfish) != "undefined" && typeof(superfish.b) != "undefined" ){ // supportedUrl = spsupport.p.sfDomain_ + "getSupportedSitesJSON.action?ver="; //supportedUrl = this.getRightVersion.chooseVer(supportedUrl, superfish.b.wlStartDate, superfish.b.wlEndDate, superfish.b.wlOldVersion, superfish.b.wlVersion) // console.log("a1"); supportedUrl = spsupport.p.sfDomain_ + "getSupportedSitesJSON.action?ver=" + superfish.b.wlVersion; } else { supportedUrl = sfBaseUrl + "/" + wlUrl + "?ver=" + wlVersion; // console.log("a2"); } this.isWLCallbacks.urlToValidate = urlToValidate; this.isWLCallbacks.successCallback = successCallback; this.isWLCallbacks.failedCallback= failedCallback; window["sfwsobj"] =this; window["SF_isURISupported"] = this.isWLPageCallbackSuccess; this.isWLCallbacks.timeout = setTimeout(this.isWLPageCallbackFailed,6100); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('src', supportedUrl); script.setAttribute('id', 'SF_isURISupported_call'); script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(script); }, isWLPageCallbackSuccess: function(data){ var whiteStageObj= window["sfwsobj"]; clearTimeout(whiteStageObj.isWLCallbacks.timeout); whiteStageObj.isWLCallbacks.timeout = null; var domain = whiteStageObj.getDomainByUrl(whiteStageObj.isWLCallbacks.urlToValidate); if (data.supportedSitesMap[domain]) whiteStageObj.wl = 1; else whiteStageObj.wl = 0; if(typeof whiteStageObj.isWLCallbacks.successCallback === 'function') { whiteStageObj.isWLCallbacks.successCallback(data,whiteStageObj); } }, isWLPageCallbackFailed: function(){ var whiteStageObj= window["sfwsobj"]; clearTimeout(whiteStageObj.isWLCallbacks.timeout); whiteStageObj.isWLCallbacks.timeout = null; whiteStageObj.wl = 0; if(typeof whiteStageObj.isWLCallbacks.failedCallback === 'function') { whiteStageObj.isWLCallbacks.failedCallback(); } } } ; if (superfish.b.dlsource.indexOf("ginyas") != -1 & window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("amazon.com") != -1) return; spsupport.whiteStage.bl = superfish.utilities.blacklistHandler.getWSBlacklist(); superfish.utilities.sfWatcher.setState("sf-code-load-site-rules"); spsupport.pip = { imgs: [], imgPos: {}, displ: 0, ii: 0, br: [], // brands array c: 0, // priority counter req: 0, dim: 160, secDim: 120, lvl: 1500, secArr: [], start: function(sS) { if (superfish.inimg) { spsupport.api.addSuperfishSupport(); spsupport.p.supportedImageURLs = sS.imageURLPrefixes; spsupport.p.merchantName = sS.merchantName; spsupport.api.siteType(); spsupport.statsREP.init(); this.analyze(); } }, analyze: function() { var imgs = document.images; for(var i=0, l=imgs.length; i < l; i++){ this.imgPos = spsupport.api.getImagePosition(imgs[i]); if (this.validDispl(imgs[i])) { this.preSend(imgs[i]); break; } } if (!this.displ) { for (i in this.secArr) { this.imgPos = spsupport.api.getImagePosition(this.secArr[i]); this.preSend(this.secArr[i]); break; } this.findDispl(); } }, preSend: function(img) { var si = superfish.inimg; this.displ = img; this.ii = si.vi(this.imgPos.w, this.imgPos.h, 1); this.ii = spsupport.api.careIi(this.ii, 2); si.itNum[si.iiInd] = this.ii; if (this.validReq(img)) { this.imgReq(img); } else { this.txtReq(); } }, imgReq: function(im) { var sp = spsupport.p; sp.prodPage.p = im; sp.imPos = this.imgPos; var ob = spsupport.api.getItemJSON(im); ob = this.careTexts(ob); this.send(ob, 1); }, txtReq: function() { var sp = spsupport.p; var ob = { userid: encodeURIComponent(sp.userid), merchantName: encodeURIComponent(sp.merchantName), dlsource: sp.dlsource, appVersion: sp.appVersion, documentTitle: document.title, imageURL: document.title, imageTitle: document.title, imageRelatedText: '', productUrl: '' }; ob = this.careTexts(ob); this.send(ob, 0); }, compare: function(a,b) { if (a.wg > b.wg) return -1; if (a.wg < b.wg) return 1; return 0; }, processData: function() { var ws = spsupport.whiteStage; var ln, t1, t2, t3, t4, sp1, sp2, b, t5, t6, i, j; for (i in ws.h1Data) { ln = (ws.h1Data[i].tx.match(/[ \s]/g)||[]).length; if (ln) { ln++; } t1 = ws.h1Data[i].mb; t2 = t1.length; for (j in t1) { t2 += (t1[j].match(/[ \s]/g)||[]).length; } ws.h1Data[i].wg = ln - t2; if (ws.h1Data[i].wg > 4) { t3 = ws.h1Data[i].tx.toLowerCase(); t4 = t1[0].toLowerCase(); sp1 = t3.indexOf(' '); sp2 = t3.indexOf(' ', sp1); b = t3.indexOf(t4); if (b > sp2) { ws.h1Data[i].wg++; } t5 = t3.split(t4)[1]; if (t5) { t6 = (t5.match(/[ \s]/g)||[]).length; if (t6) { t6++; } if (t6 > 2) { ws.h1Data[i].wg++; } } } } ws.h1Data.sort(this.compare); }, careTexts: function(ob) { var ws = spsupport.whiteStage; this.c = 0; this.br = ws.matchedBrand ? ws.matchedBrand.split(' | ') : []; var br1, br2; if (ws.h1Data && ws.h1Data.length > 3) { this.processData(); } var dt = ob.documentTitle, it = ob.imageTitle, irt = ob.imageRelatedText; if (ws && ws.rBrands) { if (ws.validReason.indexOf('brand in title') == -1 && ws.h1Data.length > 1) { // if no brand in title, put there h1 dt = this.putTxt(dt); } if (it) { br1 = it.match(ws.rBrands); if (br1 && br1.length) { this.br = this.br.concat(br1); } else { it = this.putTxt(it); } } else { it = this.putTxt(it); } if (irt) { br2 = irt.match(ws.rBrands); if (br2 && br2.length) { this.br = this.br.concat(br2); } else { irt = this.putTxt(irt); } } else { irt = this.putTxt(irt); } if (this.br && this.br.length) { this.br = ws.arrUn(this.br); this.br = this.br.join(" | ").replace(" | undefined","").toLowerCase(); ws.matchedBrand = this.br; } } ob.documentTitle = dt; ob.imageTitle = it; ob.imageRelatedText = irt; return ob; }, putTxt: function(target) { var ws = spsupport.whiteStage; if (ws && ws.h1Data && ws.h1Data[this.c]) { target = ws.h1Data[this.c].tx; this.br = this.br.concat(ws.h1Data[this.c].mb); this.c++; } return target; }, validDispl: function(im) { var cndM = this.imgPos.w > this.dim && this.imgPos.h > this.dim; var cndS = this.imgPos.w > this.secDim && this.imgPos.h > this.secDim; var pos = parseInt(this.imgPos.y + this.imgPos.h - 45); var cndL = pos < this.lvl && pos > 0; var cndV = this.imgPos.x > 0 && spsupport.api.isVisible(im); if(cndL && cndV) { if (cndM) { return 1; } else if (cndS) { this.secArr[this.secArr.length] = im; } } return 0; }, validReq: function(img) { return spsupport.api.isImageSupported(img); }, send: function(ob, pic) { superfish.utilities.sfWatcher.setState("send pip request"); var sfu = superfish.util; if (sfu) { var sg = 0; // 8 if (!this.sent) { spsupport.p.prodPage.p = this.displ; superfish.util.prepareData(ob, 1, sg, 1, this.ii, 0); this.sent = 1; sfu.openPopup(this.imgPos, spsupport.p.appVersion, 1, 1); sfu.lastAIcon.x = this.imgPos.x; sfu.lastAIcon.y = this.imgPos.y; sfu.lastAIcon.w = this.imgPos.w; sfu.lastAIcon.h = this.imgPos.h; sfu.lastAIcon.img = this.displ; spsupport.p.prodPage.s = 2; } } else { setTimeout(function() { spsupport.pip.send(ob, pic); }, 500); } }, findDispl: function() { this.jo = spsupport.p.$('embed, object'); var si = superfish.inimg; var o; for (var i = 0; i < this.jo.length; i++) { o = this.jo[i]; this.imgPos = spsupport.api.getImagePosition(o); if (this.validDispl(o)) { this.displ = o; this.ii = si.vi(this.imgPos.w, this.imgPos.h, 1); si.itNum[si.iiInd] = this.ii; this.txtReq(); break; } } } } ; spsupport.sites = { rules: function(){ var site = spsupport.api.getDomain(); site = site.substr(0, site.indexOf(".")).replace(/-/g, "_"); return spsupport.sites["_" + site]; }, isBlackList: function() { var ourHostName = document.location.host; var i,subsHosts; if (ourHostName == undefined || ourHostName.length == 0) return 0; ourHostName = ourHostName.toLowerCase(); subsHosts = ourHostName.replace(/[^.]/g, "").length; // how many time there are "." for(i=0 ; i < subsHosts ; i++) { if(spsupport.whiteStage.bl.indexOf("|"+ourHostName+"|") != -1){ return 1 } ourHostName = ourHostName.substring(ourHostName.indexOf(".")+1,ourHostName.length); } return 0; }, isBlackStage: function() { var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.isBlackStage ){ return r.isBlackStage(); } return 0; }, topPpc: function(sS) { var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.topPpc ){ return r.topPpc(sS); } return 0; }, txtSrch: function() { var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.txtSrch ){ return r.txtSrch(); } return 0; }, isSrp: function() { var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.isSrp ){ return r.isSrp(); } return 0; }, su: function () { var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.su ){ return r.su(); } return 11; }, iv: function () { var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.iv ){ return r.iv(); } return 1; }, care : function(){ var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.care ){ r.care(); } }, offInt: function(){ var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.offInt ){ r.offInt(); } }, firstTimeRep: function(){ var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.firstTimeRep ){ r.firstTimeRep(); } }, searchget: function(){ var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.searchget ){ r.searchget(); } }, validRefState: function(){ // Valid Refresh State var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.validRefState ){ return r.validRefState(); } return 1; }, vImgURL: function( iU ){ // Validate IMG URL var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.vImgURL ){ return r.vImgURL( iU ); } return ( iU ); }, preInject : function(){ var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.preInject ){ r.preInject(); } }, validProdImg : function(){ var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.validProdImg ){ return r.validProdImg(); } return 0; }, imgSupported : function( img ){ var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.imgSupported ){ return r.imgSupported( img ); } return 1; }, ph2bi : function(){ // Plugin has to be injected var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.ph2bi ){ return r.ph2bi(); } return 0; }, gRD : function(){ // Get Refresh Delay var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.gRD ){ return r.gRD(); } return 500; }, gVI : function(){ // get Images Node var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.gVI ){ return r.gVI(); } return 0; }, killSg : function(){ if (superfish.sg) { superfish.sg.close(); } }, killIi : function(){ if (superfish.ii && superfish.ii.k) { superfish.ii.k(); } else if (superfish.inimg && superfish.inimg.ii && superfish.inimg.ii.length) { for (var i in superfish.inimg.ii) { superfish.inimg.cl(i); } } }, killPopup : function(){ if( superfish.util ){ superfish.util.closePopup(); } }, inURL : function( u ){ return ( typeof u == 'string' && window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf( u.toLowerCase() ) > -1); }, onUrlChange: function() { var spsites = spsupport.sites; spsites.killSg(); spsites.killIi(); spsites.killPopup(); spsupport.api.killIcons(); // restart popup/searchget/inimage setTimeout(function(){ spsupport.p.prodPage.reset(); spsupport.p.SRP.reset(); spsupport.api.startDOMEnumeration(); }, 1900); }, urlChange: function() { // get site specific methods var r = this.rules(), // default url change function urlChange = function(){ spsupport.sites.onUrlChange(); }; // call page specific urlchange rules if( r && r.urlChange ){ urlChange = r.urlChange; } // setup event listener for hashchange spsupport.p.$(window).on("hashchange", urlChange); }, sgGen: function() { spsupport.p.iSpin = new Image(); spsupport.p.iSpin.src = spsupport.p.imgPath + 'loading.gif'; }, getRelTextPP: function (img){ superfish.utilities.sfWatcher.setState("getRelTextPP"); var sfsr = spsupport.sites; var closeTxt = ""; imgPos = spsupport.api.getItemPos(img); imgPos.x2 = imgPos.x + imgPos.w; imgPos.y2 = imgPos.y + imgPos.h; closeText = sfsr.getTextIfClose(imgPos,"h1",200,200); if(closeText == "") closeText = sfsr.getTextIfClose(imgPos,"h2",100,100); if(closeText == "") closeText = sfsr.getTextIfClose(imgPos,"h3",100,100); return ({ prodUrl : "", iText : closeText }); }, getTextIfClose: function(imgPos,slaveNode,maxx,maxy){ var sp = spsupport.p; var spa = spsupport.api; var sfsr = spsupport.sites; var jq = sp.$; var titlePos; var itemTitle = jq(slaveNode); if(itemTitle.length == 0 || itemTitle.length > 5 ){ return ""; } var maxDisX = (maxx || 100); var maxDisY = (maxy || 100); var closeTitles = []; for(var i = 0; i< itemTitle.length ; i++){ titlePos = spa.getItemPos(itemTitle[i]); var moveX,moveY; if(titlePos.y < imgPos.y){ // means it's above the image. moveY = imgPos.y -titlePos.y -titlePos.h; if(moveY<0) moveY = 0; } else if(titlePos.y > imgPos.y2){ // if the title is below the image moveY = titlePos.y - imgPos.y2; } else if (titlePos.y + titlePos.h >= imgPos.y && titlePos.y + titlePos.h < imgPos.y2){ // title is in range of the image moveY = 0; } if((titlePos.x <= imgPos.x) && (titlePos.x + titlePos.w >= imgPos.x)){ // title is in rage of image // now i know that it starts at the left and ends close to the image. // i give default distance from image of X ( maximum allowed ) moveX = 0; } else if(titlePos.x > imgPos.x2){ // title is on the left of the image moveX = titlePos.x - imgPos.x2; } if(moveX < maxDisX && moveY < maxDisY){ itemTitle[i].dis = moveX + moveY; closeTitles.push(itemTitle[i]); } } if(closeTitles.length == 0){ return ""; } else if(closeTitles.length == 1){ return (jq(closeTitles[0]).text()); } else { closeTitles.sort(sfsr.distSort); return (jq(closeTitles[0]).text()); } }, distSort: function(a,b){ if (a.dis < b.dis) return -1; if (a.dis > b.dis) return 1; return 0; }, getRelText : function(node){ superfish.utilities.sfWatcher.setState("getRelText"); if (node) { //default val var relTxt = { prodUrl: "", iText: "" }; // if there's any unique treatment var r = this.rules(); if( r && r.getRelText ){ var v = r.getRelText( node ); return ( v ? v : relTxt ); } var jq = spsupport.p.$; var spa = spsupport.api; var max = 5; // how many levels to go up and find "a" var links; // finding closest "a" jq(node).parents().each(function(index, parent) { links = jq(parent).find('a'); if(index > max || links.length>0) {return false;} }); var lNode = links[0]; if (lNode) { var url = lNode.href; var txt = spa.textFromLink(lNode, url); var re = new RegExp("<[^>]+>","ig"); //remove nojs codes txt = txt.replace(re,""); txt = jq.trim(txt); return ({ prodUrl : url, iText : txt }); } } return 0; }, _tigerdirect: { care: function() { spsupport.p.$("#homeCategories").mouseenter(function () { setTimeout(function() { spsupport.api.fixIiPos(); }, 200); }) .mouseleave( function () { setTimeout(function() { spsupport.api.fixIiPos(); }, 200); }); } }, _craigslist: { txtSrch: function() { if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.useWl(1); } }, searchget: function() { var iu = spsupport.sites.inURL; var ssg = superfish.sg; if ( superfish.b.searchget && ssg && document.images.length == 0) { ssg.offset = 1; ssg.itemWidth = 94; ssg.cssTitle = 'display:block;padding-top: 3px;max-height:48px; overflow: hidden;'; ssg.cssPrice = 'font-weight: bold;'; ssg.cssStore = 'display:block; color:#0E774A;text-decoration: none; width: 90px; overflow: hidden;line-height:15px;'; ssg.cssPrompt = 'top: 20px; right: -37px;'; ssg.rPad = 32; //ssg.q = this.vQ; ssg.q = 'h2.postingtitle'; ssg.cookie = '_craigslist'; var jQn = spsupport.p.$(ssg.q); if (jQn.length) { superfish.b.multiImg = 1; superfish.publisher.limit = superfish.b.searchget; ssg.sSite = 5; } if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.dt = spsupport.txtSr.data['craigslist']; var dd = spsupport.txtSr.gd(window.location.host); dd = dd.split('.'); var ext = dd[dd.length-1]; var coun = ext == 'com' ? 'us' : (ext == 'de' || ext == 'fr' || ext == 'uk' ? ext : ''); //spsupport.log(">>>>>>>>> dd = " + dd ); spsupport.txtSr.dt.mn = spsupport.txtSr.dt.mn + (coun ? '-' + coun : ''); spsupport.txtSr.jAnc = jQn; } spsupport.sites.sgGen(); } }, checkIsGoodImage: function(img,imgPos){ var bi = 900; var imgGood = 1; if (img.width > bi || img.height > bi || imgPos.x < 0 || imgPos.y < 10) { imgGood = 0; } return imgGood; }, ph2bi : function(){return 1;}, isBlackStage: function() { var txt = ''; var jNd = spsupport.p.$('a[href$="/sss/"]'); txt = jNd.length ? jNd[0].innerHTML : ''; if (txt.indexOf('for sale / wanted') > -1) { spsupport.p.textOnly = 1; return 0; } return 1; }, fNd: function(nd) { var txt = ''; txt += spsupport.p.$('h2').text(); txt = txt.replace(/[\n\r\t\*]/gi, ''); txt = spsupport.p.$.trim(txt); txt = txt.split('Location:')[0]; txt = txt.substring(0, 990); return txt; }, getRelText : function(node){ if (node) { var txt = this.fNd(node); return { prodUrl: '', iText: txt }; } return 0; } }, _forever21 : { getParentText: function( robj ){ var obj = robj; var foundText = ""; if( !obj || !obj.parentNode || obj === document || obj.id == "product_rr") return ""; foundText = spsupport.p.$(obj).find(".ItemName").text(); if(foundText == "") foundText = spsupport.p.$(obj).find(".DisplayName").text(); if(foundText == "") foundText = spsupport.p.$(obj).find(".product-title").text(); if(foundText == ""){ var tmp = spsupport.p.$(obj).find("a").not(".jqzoom"); foundText = (tmp.length > 0) ? tmp[0].text : ""; } if(!foundText || foundText == "") return this.getParentText( obj.parentNode ); else return foundText; }, getRelText : function(node){ if (node) { var txt = this.getParentText(node); return { prodUrl: '', iText: txt }; } return 0; } }, _google : { isBlackStage: function() { if(spsupport.p.isIE7) { return true; } if (spsupport.sites.inURL('/reader/') || spsupport.sites.inURL('/contacts/') || spsupport.sites.inURL('/calendar/')) { return true; } return 0; }, vQ: 'li#productbox, li.g.knavi, #rhs, #taw, .g:has(.r a[href^="/products/catalog"])', vQm: '#rhs, #taw', topPpc: function(sS) { var sp = spsupport.p; superfish.b.inj(window.document, superfish.b.site + "top20/get.jsp?pi=" + sp.dlsource + "&ui=" + sp.userid + "&cc="+ sp.CD_CTID +"&mn="+ sS.merchantName + "&v=" + sp.appVersion, 1); }, iv: function() {return 0;}, urlChange : function(){ var spsites = spsupport.sites; spsupport.api.killIcons(); spsites.killSg(); spsites.killIi(); spsites.killPopup(); spsupport.p.prodPage.reset(); spsupport.p.SRP.reset(); spsites._google.prodImg = 0; setTimeout(function() { spsupport.sites._google.isIacOnlySearch() spsupport.sites._google.vIcons(); }, 500); }, isIacOnlySearch: function(){ if(superfish.b.qsObj.dlsource == "iacbundle"){ superfish.b.icons = 0; } }, care : function(){ var db = spsupport.p.$('body'); spsupport.p.minImageArea = 58*58; if(db && db.length && !db[0].evAdded){ this.isIacOnlySearch(); db.on( "keydown", function(e){ if(spsupport.p.$("input:focus").length > 0){ var ch; if(e && e.which){ ch = e.which; }else if( window.event ){ ch = window.event.keyCode; } if(ch == 13) { spsupport.sites.killSg(); spsupport.sites.killIi(); setTimeout(function() { spsupport.sites._google.vIcons(); }, 500); } else{ spsupport.api.killIcons(); spsupport.sites.killIi(); } } }); db[0].evAdded = 1; } }, firstTimeRep: function(){ spsupport.sites._google.validateREP(); }, searchget: function() { var iu = spsupport.sites.inURL; var ssg = superfish.sg; if ( superfish.b.searchget && ssg ) { ssg.offset = 0; ssg.itemWidth = 94; ssg.cssTitle = 'display:block;padding-top: 3px;max-height:48px; overflow: hidden;'; ssg.cssPrice = 'font-weight: bold;'; ssg.cssStore = 'display:block; color:#0E774A;text-decoration: none; width: 90px; overflow: hidden;line-height:15px;'; ssg.cssPrompt = 'top: 20px; right: -37px;'; ssg.rPad = 40; ssg.q = '#rso li'; ssg.cookie = '_google'; var jQn = spsupport.p.$(ssg.q); if (jQn.length) { superfish.b.multiImg = 1; superfish.publisher.limit = superfish.b.searchget; ssg.sSite = 5; } if (iu("products/catalog")) { ssg.sSite = 0; } else if (iu("books.google") || iu( "tbs=shop" ) || iu( "tbm=shop" ) || iu( "tbs=bks" ) || iu("tbm=bks") ) { ssg.sSite = 0; /* to enable slide-up instead of searchget */ } if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.dt = spsupport.txtSr.data['google']; var dd = spsupport.txtSr.gd(window.location.host); dd = dd.split('.'); var ext = dd[dd.length-1]; var coun = ext == 'com' ? 'us' : (ext == 'de' || ext == 'fr' || ext == 'uk' ? ext : ''); spsupport.txtSr.dt.mn = spsupport.txtSr.dt.mn + (coun ? '-' + coun : ''); spsupport.txtSr.jAnc = jQn; } spsupport.sites.sgGen(); } }, txtSrch: function() { if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.useWl(); } }, validateREP : function (){ var iu = spsupport.sites.inURL; if (!(iu("?tbm=") || iu("&tbm=") || !iu("q=") )) { spsupport.statsREP.reportStats(spsupport.statsREP.repMode.CPM); } }, gVI : function (){ var iu = spsupport.sites.inURL; return ( iu("books.google") || iu("google.com/shopping") || iu("tbm=bks") || iu("tbs=bks") || iu("products/catalog") ) ? 0 : spsupport.p.$('img.th, img.productthumb, img.rhsg4, .psliimg > img, .pla-unit-img-container img'); }, vIcons : function(){ var ssg = superfish.sg; setTimeout( function(){ spsupport.sites._google.validateREP(); var ss = spsupport.sites; var sa = spsupport.api; var iu = ss.inURL; var im = ss._google.gVI(); var jQn = spsupport.p.$(ss._google.vQ); superfish.publisher.imgs = []; superfish.publisher.reqCount = 0; superfish.publisher.valCount = 0; if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.jAnc = jQn; spsupport.txtSr.sent = 0; } if( jQn.length ){ if (ssg) { ssg.sSite = 5; } sa.startDOMEnumeration(); setTimeout( function(){ sa.wRefresh( 500 ); }, 900 ); } else { if (ssg) { ssg.sSite = 0; } if( iu("tbs=shop") || iu("tbm=shop") ){ sa.startDOMEnumeration(); setTimeout( function(){ sa.wRefresh( 350 ); }, 900 ); } else if( iu("books.google" ) || iu("tbs=bks") || iu("tbm=bks")) { sa.startDOMEnumeration(); setTimeout( function(){ sa.wRefresh( 350 ); }, 900 ); } } }, 1400 ); }, ph2bi : function(){ return 1; }, validRefState : function(){ var iu = spsupport.sites.inURL; // match query for supported google pages return ( spsupport.p.$(this.vQ).length || iu("tbs=shop") || iu("tbm=shop") || iu("products/catalog" ) || iu("books.google" ) || iu("tbm=bks") || iu("tbs=bks") || iu("google.com/shopping") ); }, preInject : function(){ var iu = spsupport.sites.inURL; var sIU = spsupport.p.supportedImageURLs; if ( sIU ){ sIU[sIU.length] = "jpg;base64"; sIU[sIU.length] = "jpeg;base64"; } else{ sIU = ["jpg;base64", "jpeg;base64"]; } if(iu("books.google")){ var wN = spsupport.p.$('div[id *= "_sliders"]') if(wN.length){ wN.each(function() { spsupport.domHelper.addEListener(this, spsupport.api.onDOMSubtreeModified, "DOMSubtreeModified"); }); } } }, validProdImg : function(){ if( spsupport.p.$( this.vQ ).length && !this.prodImg ){ this.prodImg = 1; return 1; } return 0; }, imgSupported : function( im ){ if( im.id && im.id.indexOf("vidthumb")> -1 || im.className.indexOf("vidthumb") > -1 || im.className.indexOf("imgthumb") > -1 ){ return 0; } return 1; }, getRelText : function(node){ if (node) { var spa = spsupport.api; var lNode = spa.getLinkNode(node, 3); if (lNode) { var url = lNode.href; var pUrl = ""; if( url.indexOf( "javascript" ) == -1 ){ if( url.indexOf("http://www.google.com/url?") > -1 ){ var pSign = url.indexOf("="); if( pSign > -1 ){ url = url.substr( pSign + 1, url.length ); } } try{ url = decodeURIComponent( url ); }catch(e){ // not encoded } var prm = url.indexOf("&"); if( prm > -1 ){ url = pUrl = url.substr(0, prm); } var sec = node; var cl = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { sec = sec.parentNode; if (sec && sec.getAttribute) { cl = sec.getAttribute('class'); if (cl && cl.indexOf('knavi') > -1 || sec.nodeName == 'body') { break; } } else { break; } } var txt = ''; if (!txt) { txt = this.moreRelText(lNode); } } return({ prodUrl : ( pUrl != "" ? pUrl : lNode.href ), iText : txt }); } } return 0; }, moreRelText: function(lNode) { var txt = ''; if (lNode) { var parent = lNode.parentNode; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (parent) { var a = spsupport.p.$('a', spsupport.p.$(parent)); txt = a.text(); if (txt) { break; } else { parent = parent.parentNode; } } } } if (txt.length > 70) { txt = txt.substring(0, 69); } return txt; }, su : function(){ return 1; } }, _macys : { care : function(){ setTimeout( function(){ spsupport.sites._macys.paging(); }, 1000 ); }, urlChange : function(){ if( !spsupport.sites._macys.evtc ){ spsupport.api.killIcons(); setTimeout( function(){ spsupport.p.prodPage.reset(); spsupport.p.SRP.reset(); spsupport.api.startDOMEnumeration(); }, 1700 ); setTimeout( function(){ spsupport.api.wRefresh( 300 ); }, 2700 ); setTimeout( function(){ spsupport.sites._macys.paging(); }, 3500 ); } }, paging : function(){ var pgn = spsupport.p.$('.paginationSpacer'); if(pgn.length){ setTimeout(function(){ pgn.each( function() { var tDel = 1500; spsupport.p.$(this).on('mouseup', function(){ spsupport.api.killIcons(); spsupport.sites._macys.evtc = 1; setTimeout( function(){ spsupport.api.startDOMEnumeration(); }, tDel ); setTimeout( function(){ spsupport.api.wRefresh( tDel / 3 ); }, tDel * 2 ); setTimeout( function(){ spsupport.sites._macys.paging(); }, tDel * 2.5 ); }); }); }, 1400); this.evtc = 0; } } }, _bing : { care: function(){ if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.disableAll(); } }, ph2bi : function(){ return spsupport.txtSr ? spsupport.txtSr.ph2bi() : 0; }, searchget: function() { if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.searchget('bing'); } } }, _yahoo : { vImgURL : function( u ){ var uD = u.split( "http" ); if( uD.length > 2 ){ uD = uD[ 2 ]; }else if( uD.length == 2){ uD = uD[ 1 ]; }else{ uD = uD[ 0 ]; } uD = uD.split( "&" ); uD = uD[ 0 ]; return "http" + uD; }, care: function(){ if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.disableAll(); } }, ph2bi : function(){ return spsupport.txtSr ? spsupport.txtSr.ph2bi() : 0; }, searchget: function() { if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.searchget('yahoo'); } }, validProdImg : function(){ return 1; } }, _amazon : { intVal: 0, activePop:0, care : function(){ var storedSearch = window.location.search; t = this; this.intVal = window.setInterval(function () { if (window.location.search != storedSearch) { storedSearch = window.location.search; spsupport.sites.onUrlChange(); } }, 2000); if (superfish.b.dlsource.toLowerCase() == "mozilla" || superfish.b.dlsource.toLowerCase() == "chrome_superfish"){ superfish.b.inimgSrp = 0; superfish.b.inimg = 0; superfish.b.icons = 0; } spsupport.p.$("#holderMainImage, #image-block-widget,#main-image-canvas").click(function(){ spsupport.p.$("#SF_IIAD_0").css("z-index",998); spsupport.p.$("#sf_see_similar").css("z-index",998); t.activePop = 1; window.setTimeout("spsupport.sites._amazon.activePopup()",1000); }); }, activePopup:function(){ if(spsupport.p.$("div#ap_overlay").length>0){ // then the big overlay is open this.activePop = window.setTimeout("spsupport.sites._amazon.activePopup()",1000); }else{ this.disableActivePopup(); } }, disableActivePopup: function(){ window.clearTimeout(this.activePop); this.activePop = null; spsupport.p.$("#SF_IIAD_0").css("z-index",12010); spsupport.p.$("#sf_see_similar").css("z-index",12005); }, offInt: function() { if(this.intVal){ window.clearInterval(this.intVal) this.intVal = 0; } }, gRD : function(){ return 1300; } }, _superfish: { su: function () { return 10; } }, _searchcompletion: { care: function(){ if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.disableAll(); } }, ph2bi : function(){ return spsupport.txtSr ? spsupport.txtSr.ph2bi() : 0; }, searchget: function() { if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.searchget('searchcompletion'); } } }, _widdit: { care: function(){ if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.disableAll(); } }, ph2bi : function(){ return spsupport.txtSr ? spsupport.txtSr.ph2bi() : 0; }, searchget: function() { if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.searchget('searchcompletion'); } } }, _autocompletepro: { care: function(){ if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.disableAll(); } }, ph2bi : function(){ return spsupport.txtSr ? spsupport.txtSr.ph2bi() : 0; }, searchget: function() { if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.searchget('searchcompletion'); } } }, _protectedsearch: { care: function(){ if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.disableAll(); } }, ph2bi : function(){ return spsupport.txtSr ? spsupport.txtSr.ph2bi() : 0; }, searchget: function() { if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.searchget('searchcompletion'); } } }, _certified_toolbar: { care: function(){ if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.disableAll(); } }, ph2bi : function(){ return spsupport.txtSr ? spsupport.txtSr.ph2bi() : 0; }, searchget: function() { if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.searchget('searchcompletion'); } } }, _brandthunder: { care: function(){ if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.disableAll(); } }, ph2bi : function(){ return spsupport.txtSr ? spsupport.txtSr.ph2bi() : 0; }, searchget: function() { if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.searchget('brandthunder'); } } }, _surfcanyon: { care: function(){ if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.disableAll(); } }, firstTimeRep: function(){ spsupport.events.reportEvent("in surfcanyon care", "info"); spsupport.statsREP.reportStats(spsupport.statsREP.repMode.CPM); }, ph2bi : function(){ return spsupport.txtSr ? spsupport.txtSr.ph2bi() : 0; }, searchget: function() { if (spsupport.txtSr) { spsupport.txtSr.searchget('surfcanyon'); } } }, _ebay: { care : function(){ spsupport.p.prodPage.d = 149; spsupport.p.prodPage.l = 1500; superfish.b.inimgSrp = 0; }, searchget: function() { spsupport.p.prodPage.d = 149; spsupport.p.prodPage.l = 1500; var vQ = '#vi-tTblC2 > div, #RightSummaryPanel > div, #AdPanel, #BuyingOptions3, #viewad-sidebar'; //#BuyOptionsWrapper';//.si-trs-top'; // default (us) vQ += ', #isclmn + td > div'; // .de, .fr, .co.uk var ssg = superfish.sg; if (ssg && superfish.b.searchget) { if(spsupport.p.$(vQ).length) { superfish.b.sgAllenby = 0; ssg.sSite = 3; ssg.q = vQ; ssg.powered1 = 'by '; var st = 'font-size:11px;font-family: Arial,sans-serif;'; ssg.cssMainTitle = 'color:#000000;' + st ; ssg.cssPowered = 'text-align:right;color:#0E774A;' + st; ssg.relpos = 'insertBefore'; ssg.itemWidth = 92; ssg.cssTitle = 'color:#002398;display:block;padding-top:3px;font-size:11px;overflow: hidden;'+(spsupport.p.isIE ? "height:25px;" : "max-height: 25px;"); ssg.cssPrice = 'padding-top: 2px;font-size:11px;'; ssg.cssStore = 'display:block;font-size:11px;height:14px; overflow: hidden;color:#0E774A;'; ssg.cookie = '_ebay'; spsupport.sites.sgGen(); } else { ssg.sSite = 0; } } }, isSrp: function() { var iu = spsupport.sites.inURL; if (iu('/sch/') || iu('deals.ebay') || iu('_nkw=')) { spsupport.p.pageType = 'SRP'; return 1; } return 0; }, su: function () {return 10;}, fCn: function(nd, ccl) { // find containing node (card of the product on SRP) var atCl = ''; while (nd && nd.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'body') { nd = nd.parentNode; atCl = nd.getAttribute('class'); if (atCl && atCl.indexOf(ccl) > -1) { return nd; } } return 0; }, fTx: function(nd, cl) { // fetch text. nd - node, ccl - class of container, cl - class of wanted node var iT = ''; if (nd) { nd = cl ? spsupport.p.$('.' + cl, nd)[0] : nd; if (nd) { iT = spsupport.api.getTextOfChildNodes(nd); } } return iT; }, getRelText : function(node){ if (node) { var relTxt = { prodUrl: "", iText: "" }; var spa = spsupport.api; var lNode = spa.getLinkNode(node, 5); var nd; relTxt.prodUrl = lNode ? lNode.href : ''; relTxt.prodUrl = relTxt.prodUrl.indexOf('javascript:') > -1 ? '' : relTxt.prodUrl; var srp = document.location.href.indexOf('/sch/') > -1 ? 1 : 0; if( srp && document.location.href.indexOf('&_dmd=1') > 10 ){ // eBay SRP, list view node = this.fCn(node, 'card'); relTxt.iText = this.fTx(node, 'rslp-cd'); } else if (srp && document.location.href.indexOf('&_dmd=2') > 10) { // eBay SRP, table view node = this.fCn(node, 'card'); if (!relTxt.prodUrl.length) { nd = spsupport.p.$('.title a', node)[0]; if (!nd) { nd = spsupport.p.$('a.ittl', node)[0]; } relTxt.iText = nd ? this.fTx(nd) : this.fTx(node); relTxt.prodUrl = nd ? nd.href : ''; } else { relTxt.iText = this.fTx(node); } } else if (srp && document.location.href.indexOf('&_dmd=5') > 10) { // eBay SRP, 2 halves view node = this.fCn(node, 'tri-i'); relTxt.iText = this.fTx(node, 'ittl'); if (!relTxt.prodUrl.length) { nd = spsupport.p.$('a.ittl', node)[0]; relTxt.prodUrl = nd ? nd.href : ''; } } else if (document.location.href.indexOf('/itm/') > -1 || document.location.href.indexOf('/ctg/') > -1) { // vi-ih-bc-label if (!lNode) { nd = spsupport.p.$('h1'); relTxt.iText = spsupport.api.getTextOfChildNodes(nd[0]); } } if ((!relTxt.iText || !relTxt.iText.length) && lNode) { relTxt.iText = spsupport.api.textFromLink(lNode, lNode.href); } return relTxt; } return 0; } } }; spsupport.txtSr = { wl: {}, sent: 0, ext: '', del: '***', txts: [], txtsWl: [], reason: 0, t: '', // additional texts data: { 'surfcanyon': { mn: 'Surfcanyon', q: '#trFor0', wrapper: '', wrappperClose: '', inp: '#searchbox_textfield', link: 'tr[id^="trFor"] .url' }, 'searchcompletion' : { mn: 'Searchcompletion', q: '#SF_TARGET', cssMain: 'padding-left: 12px;', inp: '#sbi', relpos: 'appendTo', container: '#SF_TARGET', link: '.results cite' }, 'widdit': { mn: 'Searchcompletion' }, 'autocompletepro': { mn: 'Searchcompletion' }, 'protectedsearch': { mn: 'Searchcompletion' }, 'certified-toolbar': { mn: 'Searchcompletion' }, 'brandthunder' : { mn: 'Surfcanyon', q: '#trFor0', wrapper: '', wrappperClose: '', inp: '#searchbox_textfield', txt: '.activeLink', link: 'tr[id^="trFor"] .url' }, 'bing': { mn: 'Bingtext', q: 'ul#wg0 li', //'#results .super', inp: '#sb_form_q', wrapper: '
  • ', wrappperClose: '
  • ', num: 5, txt: '.sb_tlst a', link: '.sb_meta cite' }, 'yahoo': { mn: 'Yahootext', q: 'ul.reducepx-spnslist li', //'#results .super', inp: '#yschsp', num: 7, link: '.eca, .url' }, 'google': { sendLate: 1, mn: 'Googletext', q: '#trFor0', inp: '#gbqfq, #lst-ib', txt: 'li.g a.l, li.g h3.r', link: 'li.g .f cite' }, 'craigslist': { sendLate: 1, mn: 'Craigslist', q: '#trFor0', txt: 'h2' } }, jAnc: [], siteInfo: function(domain) { var d = domain.split('.')[0]; var sS = 0; if (this.data[d]) { sS = { imageURLPrefixes: '', merchantName: domain } } return sS; }, ph2bi : function(){ if(this.jAnc.length) { return 1; } return 0; }, gu: function(str) { // get url by google green string var s = str.split('›'); return s[0]; }, gd: function(url) { /* get domain by url */ var dP = url.split("."); var len = dP.length; if ( len > 2 ){ var co = ( dP[ len - 2 ] == "co" ? 1 : 0 ); url = ( co ? dP[ len - 3 ] + "." : "" ) + dP[ len - 2 ] + "." + dP[ len - 1 ]; } return url; }, disableAll: function() { var sfb = superfish.b; sfb.icons = 0; sfb.inimg = 0; sfb.inimgSrp = 0; sfb.cpn[0] = 0; }, searchget: function(d) { var ssg = superfish.sg; this.dt = this.data[d]; if (ssg) { ssg.offset = 1; ssg.itemWidth = 94; ssg.cssMain = this.dt.cssMain ? this.dt.cssMain : ''; ssg.cssTitle = 'display:block;padding-top: 3px;max-height:48px; overflow: hidden;'; ssg.cssPrice = 'font-weight: bold;'; ssg.cssStore = 'display:block; color:green;text-decoration: none; width: 90px; overflow: hidden;line-height:15px;'; ssg.cssPrompt = 'top: 20px; right: -37px;'; ssg.q = this.dt.q; if (this.dt.relpos) { ssg.relpos = this.dt.relpos; } ssg.pwrd = 0; ssg.container = this.dt.container || 0; ssg.wrapper = this.dt.wrapper ? this.dt.wrapper : ''; ssg.wrapperClose = this.dt.wrapperClose ? this.dt.wrapperClose : ''; ssg.cookie = '_' + d; if (spsupport.p.$(ssg.q).length) { ssg.sSite = this.dt.num || 8; } this.jAnc = spsupport.p.$(ssg.q); spsupport.sites.sgGen(); } }, useWl: function(isException) { var txts = this.getTxts(); // string with del var inp = spsupport.p.$(this.dt.inp); var term = inp.attr('value'); var jSpell = spsupport.p.$('a.spell'); if (jSpell.length) { term = jSpell.text(); } if(isException) term = txts; var txtsArr = txts.split(this.del); // var wl = this.toSend(txtsArr); // this.txtsWl = this.txts; //if (this.dt && this.jAnc.length && (this.checkPip(txtsArr, term) && wl || wl)) { if (this.dt && this.jAnc.length && (this.checkPip(txtsArr, term) || this.toSend(txtsArr))) { this.sg(txtsArr, term); } }, getTxts: function() { var tx = ''; if (this.dt && this.dt.txt) { var jTx = spsupport.p.$(this.dt.txt); var del = this.del; var len = Math.min(jTx.length, 7); jTx.each(function(ind) { if (ind < len) { tx += spsupport.p.$(this).text() + del; } }); } return tx; }, setPip: function(mBr, valReason) { var ws = spsupport.whiteStage; ws.pip = 1; ws.validReason = ws.validReason || valReason; mBr = ws.arrUn(mBr); ws.matchedBrand = mBr.join(" | ").replace(" | undefined",""); spsupport.p.siteType = 'pip'; }, checkPip: function(txtsArr, term) { this.txts = []; var ws = spsupport.whiteStage; if (superfish.b.pipBrandInDomain && ws) { var pipBrandInDomain = "\\b"+ superfish.b.pipBrandInDomain.replace(/\|/g,"\\b|\\b") + "\\b"; var rBrands = new RegExp(pipBrandInDomain, 'gi'); var reason = ''; var mBr = [], cmBr = []; if (txtsArr) { for (var i in txtsArr) { mBr = txtsArr[i].match(rBrands); if (mBr != null && mBr.length > 0 ){ cmBr = cmBr.concat(mBr); this.txts[this.txts.length] = txtsArr[i]; if (this.texts && this.texts.length == 3) { break; } } } } if (this.txts.length) { reason = 'brands in texts'; } if (term) { mBr = term.match(rBrands); if (mBr != null && mBr.length > 0 ){ cmBr = cmBr.concat(mBr); reason += ' | brand in term'; } } cmBr = ws.arrUn(cmBr); if (this.txts.length) { this.reason = 1; this.setPip(cmBr, reason); return 1; } } return 0; }, addTxts: function(mBr, txts) { var a = txts.split(this.del); var len = Math.min(a.length, 8); var t = []; for (var i = 0; i< mBr.length; i++) { for (var j = 3; j < len; j++) { if(a[j].indexOf(mBr[i]) > -1) { t[t.length] = a[j]; } } } if (spsupport.whiteStage) { t = spsupport.whiteStage.arrUn(t); } t = t.join(" | "); this.t = t.substring(0, 250); }, toSend: function(txtsArr) { this.txts = []; var ret = false; var urls = spsupport.p.$(this.dt.link); var tx = '', links; // del = '***'; var del = this.del; urls.each(function() { tx += spsupport.p.$(this).text() + del; }); links = tx.split(del); // array of links var len = Math.min(links.length, 7); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { links[i] = links[i].replace(/https?:\/\//g, ""); links[i] = links[i].split('/')[0]; links[i] = this.gd(this.gu(links[i])); links[i] = spsupport.p.$.trim(links[i]); if (links[i] && links[i].indexOf('google') == -1 && links[i].indexOf('yahoo') == -1 && this.wl.supportedSitesMap[links[i]]) { ret = true; this.reason = 2; this.txts[this.txts.length] = txtsArr[i]; } } return ret; }, sg: function(txts, term) { /* searchget for textual search: inputQuery, merchant name */ var sp = spsupport.p; var compl = ''; if (term && term.length) { var ob = { userid: encodeURIComponent(sp.userid), merchantName: this.dt.mn, dlsource: sp.dlsource , appVersion: sp.appVersion, documentTitle: this.txts[0] /* || this.txtsWl[0] */ || compl, imageURL: term, imageTitle: this.txts[1] /* || this.txtsWl[1] */ || compl, imageRelatedText: (this.txts[2] /* || this.txtsWl[2] */ || compl), productUrl: '' }; this.t = ''; this.send(ob); } }, send: function(ob) { if (superfish.util) { if (!this.sent) { superfish.util.prepareData(ob, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0); this.sent = 1; } } else { setTimeout(function() { spsupport.txtSr.send(ob); }, 500); } } } superfish.b.xdmsg_1 = { lastMsg : 0, timer: 0, postMsg : function( target, URL, param ){ if( target != window ){ try{ var indexOfHash = URL.lastIndexOf("#"); if(indexOfHash < 0) indexOfHash = URL.length; var newLocation = URL.substring(0, indexOfHash) + "#sfmsg_" + param + "@@"; if ( URL.length > 13 ){ target.location = newLocation; } }catch(e){} } }, getMsg : function(callback){ if(location.hash == "") { return; } try{ var indexOfMsg = location.hash.lastIndexOf("sfmsg_"); if( indexOfMsg > 0){ var hash = location.hash; var endOfMsg = hash.lastIndexOf("@@"); var msg = hash.substring( indexOfMsg + 6, endOfMsg ); var origHash = hash.substring(0, indexOfMsg ) + hash.substring( indexOfMsg + 6 + msg.length + 2, hash.length ); location.hash = ( origHash == "#" ) ? "#sf" : origHash; if(callback){ callback( msg ); } return; } }catch(e){} }, init: function( func, interval ){ var self = this; this.timer = setInterval( function(){ self.getMsg( func ) }, interval ); }, clear: function( ){ clearInterval( this.timer ); } }; superfish.b.xdmsg_2 = { cbFunction: 0, postMsg : function( target, param ){ if( target != window ){ target.postMessage( param, "*" ); } }, getMsg : function(event){ ( window.xdmsg ? xdmsg : superfish.b.xdmsg).cbFunction( event.data, event.origin ); }, init: function( cbFunc ){ this.cbFunction = cbFunc; if( window.addEventListener ){ window.addEventListener("message", this.getMsg, false ); }else{ window.attachEvent('onmessage', this.getMsg ); } }, kill: function (){ if( window.removeEventListener ){ window.removeEventListener("message", this.getMsg, false ); }else{ if (window.detachEvent) { window.detachEvent ('onmessage', this.getMsg ); } } } } ; if (spsupport.br.isIE7){ superfish.b.xdmsg = superfish.b.xdmsg_1; } else { superfish.b.xdmsg = superfish.b.xdmsg_2; } superfish.utilities.sfWatcher.setState("start load bsi"); superfish.utilities.sfWatcher.setDlsource(superfish.b.dlsource); superfish.utilities.sfWatcher.setVersion(superfish.b.appVersion); superfish.b.inj(window.document, superfish.b.site + "js/base_single_icon.js?ver=" + superfish.b.appVersion , 1); superfish.utilities.sfWatcher.setState("end load bsi"); if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") > -1){ superfish.b.suggestToUpdateBHODate = (superfish.b.qsObj.suggestToUpdateBHODate || ""); superfish.b.mostUpdatedBhoVersion = " "; } spMsiSupport = { validateUpdate: function() { if (spsupport.p.isIE){ if (!superfish.b.suggestToUpdateBHODate){ superfish.b.suggestToUpdateBHODate = "20100101"; } if (superfish.b.suggestToUpdateBHODate + 14 < spsupport.api.getDateFormated()){ if( spsupport.api.isOlderVersion( superfish.b.mostUpdatedBhoVersion, spsupport.p.clientVersion ) ){ spsupport.api.sendMessageToExtenstion("SuperfishSaveSuggestToUpdateBHODateMessage", { date: spsupport.p.getDateFormated() } ); window.open(spsupport.p.sfDomain + "html/suggestToUpdateBHO.html?domain=" + spsupport.p.sfDomain,"Update","height=274,width=336"); } } } } } spsupport.share = { prt: (window.location.protocol.indexOf( "https" ) > -1 ? "https://" : "http://"), domain: 'http://superfish.com/ws/', env: '/ws', init: function(d) { this.domain = d; }, getBtnImage: function(type) { return this.domain+'/images/ws-share/'+(type == 'pin' ? 'pinit-btn-2.png' : 'fb_share.png'); //this.CONST.PRT + this.CONST.DOMAIN + this.CONST.CONTEXT_PATH + "/images/ws-share/"+(type == 'pin' ? 'pinit-btn-2.png' : 'fb_share.png'); }, getItemShareURL: function(item, searchURL, pos, type, clickSrc) { var path = item.imagePath; //searchURL = encodeURIComponent(escape(searchURL)); searchURL = searchURL.replace(/[\'\"]/g, ""); var shareURL = searchURL.replace('findByUrlSfsrp', 'shareURL').replace('findByUrl', 'shareURL');//TODO: use a serverside constant for shareUrl path instead of replace(): var title = item.title; title = title.replace(/&/g,''); title = title.replace(/'/g, '\''); return shareURL + (clickSrc ? "&clickSrc="+clickSrc : '' )+ "&shareType="+type+ "&prodDesc="+encodeURIComponent(escape(item.merchantName))+ "&prodTitle="+encodeURIComponent(escape(title))+ "&prodImage="+( path.indexOf("http") == -1 ? superfish.b.iiu.replace( "*", inc.num() ) + path : path ); } }; superfish.inimgAllenby = inimg = { xdMsgDelimiter: superfish.b.xdMsgDelimiter, h: 71, // height hAdd: superfish.b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 || !superfish.b.inImageextands ? 0 : (superfish.b.inimgDisplayBox == 2 ? 24 : 7), iiExtands: superfish.b.inImageextands, iiRatio: superfish.b.inImageextands ? 1.5 : 3, iiExplore2Search: superfish.b.inimgExploreBecomeSearch, iiExploreSearchLink : "", iiExploreHoverReport : 0, extrSearchTO:0, y: [], /* y positions */ view: [], // 0 - normal, 1 - without expl sminf: [], pad: [], iw: 61, // Item width pd: 4, // Padding between items inf: 40, // Width of panel buttons expl: 30,//superfish.b.inimgDisplayBox == 3 ? 16 : 30, itn: 0, // Number of items res: [], // Array of flags for Plugin stage ii: [], // In-Image node se: [], // search session itNum: [], iiInd: 0, // Index of image/item lai: [], // Array of icon data per image sm: 0, // Shift of image position dv: [], // array of DIV's htm: 0, // hover timer () wakeupDiv: null, features: {}, cssMain: '', rdc: 0, vh: function(imh) { var t = this, h = this.h*this.iiRatio; if (t.iiExtands) {return (imh >= h);} else { if(imh < h) { var nh = parseInt(imh/this.iiRatio); if (nh < 40) {return false;} else {return true;} } else {return true;} } }, // Validate image vi: function(imw, imh, all) { var t = this, h = this.h*this.iiRatio, sv = 0, add = 0; if (t.vh(imh) && !superfish.b.noIcon || superfish.b.noIcon) { var sp = imw - 15, smsp = imw - (t.inf + t.expl), iw = t.iw + t.pd; t.itn = parseInt(smsp/iw); if (t.itn > 2) { return t.itn; } t.itn = parseInt(sp/iw); if (t.itn && t.itn < 3) { sv = t.itn; add = Math.round(sp/6); sp = sp + add; t.itn = parseInt(sp/iw); t.sm = (t.itn > sv ? Math.round(add/2) : 0); } return t.itn; } return 0; }, // Create In-Image node cr: function(ht, b, ind, hd) { var t = this; var s = t.p.prodPage.p && t.p.prodPage.p.style ? t.p.prodPage.p.style.padding : 0; var pb = 0, pl = 0, pr = 0; if (s && s.length > 0) { s = s.split(' '); switch(s.length){ case 1: pb = pl = pr = parseInt(s[0]); break; case 2: pb = parseInt(s[0]); pl = pr = parseInt(s[1]); break; case 3: pb = parseInt(s[2]); pr = parseInt(s[1]); break; case 4: pb = parseInt(s[2]); pr = parseInt(s[1]); pl = parseInt(s[3]); break; } } t.y[ind] = t.lai[ind].y + t.lai[ind].h - t.h; if (t.dv[ind] && t.iiExtands) { t.y[ind] = t.y[ind] + t.h; } if(!t.iiExtands) t.y[ind] -= t.h; this.w += (pl+pr); var prt = b.psuSupportedByText; if (t.w < 115) { var by = prt.indexOf('by '); if (by > -1) prt = prt.substring(by, prt.length); } var lft = this.lai[ind].x-this.pad[ind]; var bs = 'position: absolute;'; if (t.b.inimgDisplayBox != 3) { bs += 'height:'+ (this.h+this.hAdd + 3) + 'px;'; } var as = 'border: none !important;'; var sz = (this.w < 145 && b.psuSupportedByText.length > 25 ? 6 : 7); var color = (t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 ? '#DB2C4A' : '#777777'); var color2 = (t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 ? '#C70361' : '#CCCCCC'); var ft = 'font-family: Helvetica,Arial !important;font-size:'+sz+'pt !important;color:'+color+' !important;text-decoration:none !important;'; var ms = bs +'width:'+ this.w +'px;background: transparent; overflow: visible; z-index: 12010 !important; left: '+ lft +'px !important; top: '+ this.y[ind] +'px;'; ms += (hd ? 'display: none;' : ''); ms += (b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 ? 'border:1px solid #C70361;':''); var stl = 'height: '+ (t.iw) +'px; float: left; margin-right: '+t.pd+'px;'; var x = t.p.sfDomain + (t.iiExplore2Search? 'inimg/img/thinSearchButton.png' : 'inimg/img/explore_sm.png'); var m = t.p.sfDomain + 'inimg/img/moretr.png'; var expl = stl + ' margin-top:1px;width: ' + (t.expl - 4) + 'px; background: url('+x+') no-repeat '+(b.inimgDisplayBox == 0 ? 7 : 9)+'px 11px; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;'; if (t.view[ind] > 0 || t.rdc) { expl += ' display: none;'; } else { if(t.iiExplore2Search) t.sendiiStats("ii_explore_impression"); expl += ' display: block;'; } var moreW = t.sminf[ind]-2; var trPos = parseInt(moreW/2) - 6, trPosY = (t.iw - 19)/2 - 5; var he = t.iw; var more = stl + ' width: '+t.sminf[ind]+'px; margin: 0; cursor:pointer; background-image: url('+m+'); display: block;'; var moreMg = parseInt(t.iw/2) + 9; more = 'background-color: #FFFFFF; background-image: url('+m+'); background-position: ' + trPos + 'px '+trPosY+'px; background-repeat: no-repeat; text-align: center !important; border-top-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; display: block; float: left; height: '+he+'px !important; width: '+ moreW + 'px;'; if (t.rdc) { more += 'position: relative;border-top: none !important;'; //top: -1px;'; } else { more += 'margin-top: 1px;'; } if (b.inimgDisplayBox == 0 || b.inimgDisplayBox == 4) { more += 'border: 1px solid #D4D4D4 !important;'; expl += 'border: 1px solid #D4D4D4 !important;'; } else { more += 'border:none;'; expl += 'border:none;'; } var gardientBg = 'background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #FFFFFF), color-stop(1, #C9C9C9) );' + 'background: -moz-linear-gradient( center top, #FFFFFF 5%, #C3C3C3 100% );' + '-ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=\'#FFFFFF\', endColorstr=\'#C3C3C3\');' + 'filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=\'#FFFFFF\', endColorstr=\'#C3C3C3\');'; var vertTxt = '-webkit-transform:rotate(-90deg);-moz-transform:rotate(-90deg);-o-transform: rotate(-90deg);-ms-transform:rotate(-90deg);white-space:nowrap;'; var suppurtedByPosSt = 'position:absolute;height: 10px !important; overflow: hidden; line-height:10px !important;'; var noVert = t.p.isIEQ || t.p.isIE8; var posSt = (b.inimgDisplayBox == 2 ? 'top:3px;padding-left:2px;' : 'bottom:0px;left: 2px;'); var infoStyle = "font-family: helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:7pt !important; left:2px !important; top:-13px !important; " // if (b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 && (t.p.isIE8 || t.p.isIEQ)) { // vertTxt += 'filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3);'; // posSt = 'bottom:'+(t.p.isIEQ ? 0 : 60)+'px;left:0px;'; // } suppurtedByPosSt += posSt; suppurtedByPosSt += 'background: #ffffff !important;padding: 1px 2px !important;font-size:7pt !important; ' + (b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 ? 'left: 3px !important; top:-13px !important;' : 'left:'+(t.transPad + 5)+'px !important; top:-12px !important;'); var si = '15px'; var c = 'cursor:pointer !important; margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; font-size: 0 !important;'; var xq = t.p.sfDomain + 'inimg/img/qButton.png'; var trMP = 'padding-left:'+(t.transPad-2)+'px;'; if (b.inimgDisplayBox == 6 || b.inimgDisplayBox == 3) { trMP = 'margin-left:'+(t.transPad-2)+'px;margin-right:'+(t.transPad-2)+'px;'; } var hh = this.h+this.hAdd; if (b.inimgDisplayBox == 4) { hh += 3; } return ( '
    ' + '
    ' + (t.iiExplore2Search ? ' ' : '
    ') + ht + '
    ' + '
    ' + ( b.psuSupportedBy ? (b.inimgDisplayBox == 2 ? '
    ' : '') + (b.inimgSupportedByLink && b.inimgSupportedByLink.indexOf("javascript:")==-1 ? ('' + prt + '') : '
    ' + prt + '
    ') + (b.inimgDisplayBox == 2 ? '
    ' : '') : '' )+ (b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 ? '
    ' : '') + '
    ' ); }, hov: function (node, event) { var t = this; var jItDet = t.p.$('.itemDetails', t.p.$(node)); var jBrand = t.p.$('.brand', jItDet); if (event == 1) { jItDet.css({'top': '-80px'}); jBrand.css({'display': 'block'}); } else { jItDet.css({'top': '-20px'}); jBrand.css({'display': 'none'}); } }, ih : function(it, i, ind) { if (it) { var t = this; if(i == 0 && this.iiExplore2Search){ t.iiExploreSearchTitle = it.title; t.iiExploreSearchLink = "http://www.delta-search.com/?q="+encodeURIComponent(t.iiExploreSearchTitle)+"&babsrc=ext_sprfs1&affID=121785"; } var tr = 'target = "_blank"'; var l = 12; var pr = (it.price.length > 6 ? it.price.split('.')[0] : it.price); var tl = t.trw(it.title, 16); var is2 = (t.p.isIEQ ? t.iw - 6 : t.iw - 4); var is3 = 135; var arr = 14; var lip = parseInt((t.iw+t.pd)*i); if (this.view[ind] == 0) { lip = lip + this.expl; } var lp = parseInt((t.iw+t.pd)*i) + t.iw/2 - arr/2; var elp = t.transPad-4; var nfw = 185; var en = elp + nfw; var ar2 = lp + arr; var ribbons = t.p.sfDomain + 'images/ribbons.png'; var stars = t.p.sfDomain + 'images/stars_y.png'; var starsUrl = t.p.sfDomain + 'inimg/img/stars.png'; var itmImg = t.p.sfDomain + 'inimg/img/itemImg2.png'; var starsSmUrl = t.p.sfDomain + 'inimg/img/stars_sm.png'; var pos = t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 0 || t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 ? 'top: 47px;' : 'bottom: 2px;'; var pos2 = t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 0 || t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 ? 'top: 47px;' : 'bottom: 3px;'; var stl1 = 'height: 13px;width: '+ t.iw +'px;position: absolute;'+pos+'left:'+(t.transPad + lip)+'px;text-align: left;overflow: hidden;background-color: #ffffff;border-top: solid 1px #b57634;border-right: solid 1px #b57634;border-bottom: solid 1px #b57634;'; var stl3 = 'height: 10px;left: 6px;position: absolute;top: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? 0 : 1) + 'px;width: 55px;background: url('+ starsUrl + ') 0 0 repeat;'; var stl2 = 'border-color: transparent transparent transparent #B57634;border-style: solid;border-width: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? '6px 0 6px 6px' : '8px 0 8px 6px') + ';position: absolute;top: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? -1 : -2) + 'px;left:0;font-size: 0;height: 0;line-height: 0;width: 0;'; var stl5 = 'border-color: transparent transparent transparent #ffffff;border-style: solid;border-width: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? '5px 0 5px 5px' : '7px 0 7px 5px') + ';position: absolute;'+pos2+'left:'+(t.transPad + lip)+'px;font-size: 0;height: 0;line-height: 0;width: 0;'; var stl11 = 'height: 16px;width: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? 185 : 192 ) + 'px;position: absolute;top: 77px;left:132px;line-height: 20px;text-align: left;overflow: hidden;font-family: Helvetica !important;background-color: #ffffff;border-top: solid 2px #b57634;border-right: solid 2px #b57634;border-bottom: solid 2px #b57634;'; var stl33 = 'height: 12px;left: 16px;position: absolute;top: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? 0 : 1) + 'px;width: 65px;background: url('+ starsSmUrl + ') 0 0 repeat;'; var stl22 = 'border-color: transparent transparent transparent #B57634;border-style: solid;border-width: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? '8px 0 8px 8px' : '10px 0 10px 10px') + ';font-size: 0;height: 0;left: 2px;line-height: 0;position: absolute;top: ' + (-2) + 'px;width: 0;'; var stl55 = 'border-color: transparent transparent transparent #F4F4F4;border-style: solid;border-width: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? '8px 0 8px 8px' : '10px 0 10px 10px') + ';cursor: pointer;position: absolute;top: ' + (77) + 'px;left:132px;font-size: 0;height: 0;line-height: 0;width: 0;'; var stl66 = 'color: #333333;position: absolute;top: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? -5 : -2) + 'px;left: 90px; font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 10px;'; var iidt = 'background-color:#999999; height:20px; width: 100%;'; var bg = t.isIEQor8 ? 'background-color: #454545; ' : 'background-color: rgba(70, 70, 70, 0.9); '; var curs = 'cursor: pointer;'; var itemDetails = bg + 'display: inline-block;border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px; color: white; cursor: pointer; height: '+ (t.p.isIEQ ? 110 : 100) + 'px; position: relative; top: -20px; width: 100%;', brand = 'display: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-top: 2px; height: 18px; overflow: hidden;color: #ffffff;', merchData = 'height: 16px; overflow: hidden;color: #ffffff;', price = 'font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff;', store = 'font-size: 11px;color: #ffffff;', visitStore = 'color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #81002B; border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.35); cursor: pointer; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 9px; margin-left: 0; padding: 2px; text-align: center; width: 65px; background: #b02641; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr="#cc2d4c", endColorstr="#b02641"); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#cc2d4c), to(#b02641)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #cc2d4c, #b02641); '; if (t.isIEQor8) { visitStore = 'font-family: Arial,Helvetica,Verdana !important; font-size: 7pt !important; border: 1px solid #81002B; border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; cursor: pointer; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 9px; margin-left: 0; padding: 2px; text-align: center; width: 72px; background: #b02641; '; } var hf = (en > ar2 ? 0 : ar2 - en + 10); elp = elp + hf; var ilp = t.transPad + 26 + 5 + t.iw*(i+1) - t.iw/2 - nfw/2; if (this.view[ind]) { ilp = ilp - this.expl; } var st = t.trw(it.merchantName.split('.com')[0], 17); var bestPriceInimg = ''; var bestPriceInimgItem = ''; var ratingItem = ''; var cpn = '', cpnIt = ''; if(t.inimgBestPr.isBestPr && t.inimgBestPr.imagePath === it.imagePath){ bestPriceInimg = '
    '+ '
    '+ 'Best Price
    '; bestPriceInimgItem = '
    '; t.features.bp = 1; } if (it.rating && bestPriceInimg === '') { var rt = Math.min(it.rating, 5); var w = rt * 11, w1 = rt * 13; var stl4 = 'height: 10px;left: 0;position: absolute;top: 0;width: '+w+'px;background: url('+ starsUrl + ') 0 -10px repeat;'; var stl44 = 'height: 12px;left: 0;position: absolute;top: 0;width: '+w1+'px;background: url('+ t.p.sfDomain + ') 0 -12px repeat;'; bestPriceInimg = '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    '; ratingItem = '
    '+ (it.reviewsCount ? '
    ' : ''); // bestPriceInimgItem = '
    '+ // '
    '+ // '
    ' + // (it.reviewsCount ? '
    ('+ it.reviewsCount +')
    ' : '') + // '
    ' + // '
    '; t.features.rt = 1; } var freeSh = ''; if (it.freeShipping) { var absP = 'position: absolute;left: '+(t.transPad + lip)+'px;top: '+t.iw+'px;'; var col = t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 3 ? '#db277a' : '#333333'; freeSh = '
    Free Shipping
    '; t.features.fs = 1; if (bestPriceInimgItem) { bestPriceInimgItem = '
    '; } bestPriceInimgItem += '
    '; } if (t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 && it.freeShipping && bestPriceInimg === '') { bestPriceInimg = '
    Free Shipping
    '; } var prMode5 = 'position: absolute; top: '+(t.p.isIEQ ? 51 : 52)+'px; width: 53px;margin: 0 4px;'; var itemMrg = 'margin: 1px '+ t.pd +'px 0 0 !important;'; var itemBrd = 'border:solid 1px #d4d4d4;'; if (t.rdc) { prMode5 = 'position: relative; top: -13px; width:'+(t.iw-3)+'px; margin: 0 1px;'; itemMrg = 'margin: 0 !important;'; itemBrd = 'border-right:solid 1px #d4d4d4;border-bottom:solid 1px #d4d4d4;'; if(i == 0) { itemBrd += 'border-left:solid 1px #d4d4d4;'; } } var bgGrey = t.p.isIEQ ? 'background-color: rgb(70, 70, 70);' : 'background-color: rgba(70, 70, 70, 0.9);'; var prIii = (t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 ? '' : 'background: #ffffff;') + 'color: #111111; font-size: 9px !important; line-height: 9px !important; '; if (t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 3) { prIii = bgGrey +'border-top-left-radius: 4px;border-top-right-radius: 4px;color: #ffffff; font-size: 10px !important; line-height: 10px !important; '; if (t.rdc) { prMode5 += 'top: -7px;'; } } if ((t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 0 || t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 4) && !t.rdc) { prMode5 += 'top: 64px;'; } if (t.p.isIEQ) { prIii += 'left: '+(t.transPad + lip)+'px;'; } else { prIii += 'padding-top: 1px;'; } var searchUrl = spsupport.api.getSrUrl(t.lai[ind],2); return( '
    ' + (t.rdc ? '' : bestPriceInimg) + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + pr + ''+ ((t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 || t.rdc || bestPriceInimg) /* t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 5 */ ? '' : freeSh) + '
    ' ); } else { return ''; } }, im: function(nd, sp) { var t = this; var s = t.p.$('#' + sp, nd.parentNode)[0]; t.p.$(nd).css({'opacity': '0'}); if (s) { s.style.display = 'none'; } nd.style.display = 'inline'; t.p.$(nd).css({'opacity': '1', 'filter' : 'alpha(opacity=100)' }); t.p.$(nd).fadeIn(600, function(){}); }, bt: function(nd, e, bt, color, ob) { /* button: 1 - move, 2 - close */ var t = this; var ind = (nd ? nd.parentNode.getAttribute('id') : 0); ind = (ind ? +(ind.split('SF_IIAD_')[1]) : -1); if (e == 2) { if (bt == 1) { var r = t.h - 10; if (t.up) { t.mv((t.y[ind] + r), (t.h - r), 0, ind, ob); nd.style.backgroundPosition = '-64px -13px'; } else { t.mv(t.y[ind], t.h, 1, ind, ob); nd.style.backgroundPosition = '-64px -26px'; } } else if( bt == 2) { this.u.closePopup(); this.cl(ind, 1); this.u.fixDivsPos(); } } }, mv: function(tp, h, nu, ind, ob) { // Collapse / Expand var t = this; if (t.ii[ind]) { if (!nu) { t.ii[ind].style.overflow = 'hidden'; } t.p.$(t.ii[ind]).animate({ top: tp, height: h }, 800, null, function() { if (nu) { t.ii[ind].style.overflow = 'visible'; } t.up = nu; }); } }, cl: function(ind, click) { // Close var t = this; if (t.ii[ind]) { t.p.$(t.ii[ind]).remove(); if (t.dv[ind]) { t.p.$(t.dv[ind]).remove(); } if (t.ii[ind].img) { t.ii[ind].img.removeAttribute('sfnoicon'); } } if (click) { setTimeout( function(){ t.u.jpR(t.p.sfDomain_ + t.p.sessRepAct, { "action" : "inimg close", "userid" : t.p.userid, "sessionid" : t.u.currentSessionId } ) }, 150); } }, pl: function(nd) { /* show plugin */ var t = this; t.p.iiPlOn = 1; var ind = (nd ? nd.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('id') : 0); ind = (ind ? +(ind.split('SF_IIAD_')[1]) : -1); if (t.b.lp) { t.rfs(); t.u.osr(t.lai[ind]); } else if (t.b.sfsrp) { t.rfs(); t.u.sfsrp(t.lai[ind]); } else { if (!t.b.noIcon) { t.u.closePopup(); } if (t.res[ind]) { /* if result is rendered */ t.u.sendRequest("{\"cmd\": 7 }"); t.spl(ind); } else { if (t.ii[ind] && t.ii[ind].img) { t.p.imPos = spsupport.api.getItemPos(t.ii[ind].img); } t.u.sendRequest("{\"cmd\": 6, \"iiInd\": "+ ind +", \"rqSrc\": 1 }"); } setTimeout( function(){ t.rfs(); }, 1500); } }, rfs: function() { var t = this; t.u.jpR(t.p.sfDomain_ + t.p.sessRepAct, { "action" : "full slideup", "userid" : t.p.userid, "sessionid" : t.u.currentSessionId } ); if(t.p.presFt){ this.rpf(t.p.presFt, "full UI"); } }, rpf: function(features, position) { return; var t = this; t.u.jpR(t.p.sfDomain_ + t.p.sessRepAct, { "action" : "present features", "userid" : t.p.userid, "sessionid" : t.u.currentSessionId, "features": features, "position": position }); }, spl: function(ind) { var t = this; var o = t.lai[ind]; if (o) { var pp = t.u.bubble(); var ps = t.u.getPosition(o.x, o.y, o.w, o.h); var itN = t.res[ind]; t.u.updIframeSize(itN, 0, 0); t.u.openPopup(o, t.p.appVersion, 0); pp.style.top = ps.y + "px"; pp.style.left = ps.x + "px"; pp.style.position = 'absolute'; this.p.$('#infoBtn').show(); } }, si: function(jIt, e) { /* show info */ var jInf = this.p.$('.SF_IIAD_ITEM_INFO', jIt); if (jInf.length) { if (e) { jInf[0].style.display = 'block'; } else { jInf[0].style.display = 'none'; } } }, rs: function(it) { var t = this; var ps = +it.id.split('_')[4] + 1; t.u.jpR(t.p.sfDomain_ + t.p.sessRepAct, { "action" : "inimg hover", "userid" : t.p.userid, "sessionid" : t.u.currentSessionId, "position" : ps } ) }, pr: function(it, e) { /* price button */ var bt = this.p.$('div', this.p.$(it))[0]; if (e) { bt.style.backgroundPosition = '-89px -1px'; } else { bt.style.backgroundPosition = '-104px -1px'; } }, cn: function(ind, b) { var a = [], n = []; var s = '15px'; var t = this; var trw = 17; var l = (this.iw + this.pd*2)*this.itNum[ind] + 20 + t.transPad; if (l + trw > this.w) { l = this.w - trw - 2; } var c = 'cursor:pointer !important; margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; font-size: 0 !important;'; var x = t.p.sfDomain + 'inimg/img/closeButton.png'; var pos = t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 4 ? 'top:1px;right:1px;' : 'top:-5px;right:'+(t.transPad - 8)+'px;'; a[0] = '
    '; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { n[i] = t.p.$(a[i]).appendTo(t.ii[ind])[0]; } t.mr = n[0]; n[0].onclick = function(){ t.p.$('#' + t.infoId).hide(); //to close info iframe t.bt(this, 2, 2, '#888888', n[0]); }; }, pi: function(d){ // post data to info iframe; d - data var t = this; var m = t.b.xdmsg; try{ var cW = t.p.$('iframe', t.info.jInfo)[0].contentWindow; if (cW != top) { m.postMsg(cW, d); } }catch(e){ } }, oi: function(ind) { var t = this; var lf = parseInt(t.ii[ind].style.left); var tp = parseInt(t.ii[ind].style.top) - t.info.infoHt + t.h - 10; var fixedTop = 0; if(tp <= 0){ fixedTop = 10 - tp; // must be above rewriting tp value ! tp = 10; if(!superfish.inimg.info.isResized){ superfish.inimg.info.isResized = 1; superfish.inimg.info.h = superfish.inimg.info.h - fixedTop ; superfish.inimg.info.ifrh = superfish.inimg.info.ifrh - fixedTop; } } t.info.ev({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': tp + 'px', 'left': lf + 'px', 'bottom': '', 'right': '' }, 1, 1); t.pi("-9999" + t.xdMsgDelimiter + t.se[ind] + t.xdMsgDelimiter + fixedTop); }, pdv: function(img, ind, hd) { /* push div */ var t = this; var h = t.h + t.hAdd + 2; var dsp; if(hd) { dsp = 'none'; } else { if(t.p.$(img).parent().css('display') == 'inline') { dsp = 'inline'; } else { dsp = 'block'; } } var d = '
    '; t.dv[ind] = t.p.$(d).insertAfter(img)[0]; }, calcView: function(ind) { var t = this; var minInf = 20; t.view[ind] = 0; t.sminf[ind] = t.inf; t.pad[ind] = 0; t.w = t.lai[ind].w; if (!t.iiExtands) { var ih = t.lai[ind].h/t.iiRatio; if (ih < 57) { t.rdc = 1; t.h = ih+7; t.iw = ih; } } var iw = t.iw; if (!t.rdc) { iw += t.pd; if (t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 3 || t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 6) { t.hAdd = 8; } } var sp = t.itNum[ind]*iw; var rest = t.lai[ind].w - sp; var extra = rest; if (!t.rdc) { extra = extra - t.expl; } if (extra < minInf) { t.pad[ind] = parseInt(t.lai[ind].w/12); t.w = t.lai[ind].w + t.pad[ind]*2; rest = t.w - t.itNum[ind]*iw; extra = rest - t.expl; } if (extra < minInf) { extra = rest; t.view[ind] = 1; if (extra < minInf) { t.w = t.w + (minInf - extra); } } t.sminf[ind] = Math.min(t.inf, extra); t.sminf[ind] = t.sminf[ind] - 4; t.transPad = 0; var itms = sp + t.sminf[ind]; if (!t.rdc) { //t.b.inimgDisplayBox != 5) { itms += t.expl; } if (itms < t.w) { t.transPad = parseInt((t.w - itms)/2); } if(t.b.inimgDisplayBox == 4) { var byw = 10; if (t.transPad < byw) { if (t.transPad*2 < byw) { t.w += byw + 2; } t.transPad = byw; } } }, createSearchLink: function(){ return (''); }, info: superfish.info, trw: function(st, n, a, dl){ /* st - string, n - limit length, a - appender, dl - delimeter between words (" ") */ dl = (dl ? dl : ' '); if (!n || st.length < n) { return st; } else { var aw = st.split(dl); var rt = aw[0]; for(var i = 1; i < aw.length; i++) { if (rt.length + dl.length + aw[i].length <= n) { rt += dl + aw[i]; } else { break; } } if (!a && rt.length > n || a && rt.length >= n) { rt = rt.substring(0, rt.lastIndexOf(dl)); } if (a && rt.length < st.length) { rt += a; } return rt; } } , hideExtraSearch: function(jq){ t = this; this.extrSearchTO=setTimeout(function(){ t.iiExploreHoverReport = 0; jq.$("#iiExplorer").animate({width: "hide",paddingLeft: "hide",paddingRight: "hide",marginLeft: "hide",marginRight: "hide"},200);},100); }, sendiiStats: function(action, extraData){ var data = extraData || {}; data.action = action; data.userid = data.userid || spsupport.p.userid; data.sessionid = data.sessionid || superfish.util.currentSessionId; spsupport.api.jsonpRequest( spsupport.p.sfDomain_ + spsupport.p.sessRepAct, data ); }, init: function(dt, ind, sfu, p, b, img, hd) { superfish.utilities.sfWatcher.setState("in image allenby start"); if (img.getAttribute('nosudispl') == '1') { superfish.utilities.sfWatcher.complete("in image allenby complete"); return; } var t = this; var i; //if( b.uc!='ES' && b.uc!='IT' ) t.iiExplore2Search = 0; b.iiinfo = 1; t.iiInd = ind+1; t.p = p; t.u = sfu; t.b = b; t.isIE8 = t.p.isIE && parseInt(t.p.$.browser.version, 10) === 8; t.isIEQor8 = t.p.isIEQ || t.isIE8; /* last active icon */ t.lai[ind] = {}; t.lai[ind].x = sfu.lastAIcon.x; t.lai[ind].y = sfu.lastAIcon.y; t.lai[ind].w = sfu.lastAIcon.w; t.lai[ind].h = sfu.lastAIcon.h; t.lai[ind].img = sfu.lastAIcon.img; t.se[ind] = t.p.inimgSess; t.ttls = [" Open " + b.shareMsgProd + " SlideUp ", " Put " + b.shareMsgProd + " SlideUp down ", " Close " + b.shareMsgProd + " ", " Close " + b.shareMsgProd + " SlideUp"]; for (i in t.res) { t.res[i] = 0; } t.res[ind] = p.itemsNum; t.ic = p.prodPage.p.ni t.sp = new Image(); t.sp.src = t.p.sfDomain + 'inimg/img/as.gif'; //t.sp.src = superfish.b.cdn.getFileUrl('image', t.sp.src); var obj = t.p.$.parseJSON(dt); t.inimgBestPr = obj.inimgBestPr; var o = obj.items; if (!o) { superfish.utilities.sfWatcher.complete("in image allenby complete"); return; } t.itNum[ind] = Math.min(t.itNum[ind], o.length); t.calcView(ind); if (t.b.iiinfo) { t.info.jInfo = t.p.$('#' + t.info.infoId); if (!t.info.jInfo || t.info.jInfo.length == 0) { t.info.jInfo = t.p.$(t.info.ci(t.p.sfDomain, t.b.dlsource, t.b.userid, t.b.CD_CTID)).appendTo(t.p.$('body'), t.b.appVersion, 2); t.info.jIfr = t.p.$('iframe', t.info.jInfo); } t.info.jIfr = t.p.$('#' + t.info.infoId + '_CONTENT', t.info.jInfo); t.p.$('.closeButton', t.info.jInfo).off().click(function(){ t.info.close(); }); } var im, im2; var ht = ""; for (i = 0; i < t.itNum[ind]; i++) { ht += t.ih(o[i], i, ind); } if(superfish.inimg.iiExtands) t.pdv(img, ind, hd); t.ii[ind] = t.p.$(t.cr(ht, b, ind, hd))[0]; t.ii[ind].img = img; img.sfInd = ind; t.p.$('body').append(t.ii[ind]); if(t.iiExplore2Search) t.p.$('.SF_IIAD_TRANS').append(t.createSearchLink()); var ft = ""; ft += (t.features.bp ? "bp," : ""); ft += (t.features.fs ? "fs," : ""); ft += (t.features.rt ? "rt," : ""); ft += (t.features.cp ? "cp," : ""); if (ft) { t.rpf(ft, "inImg"); } t.features = {}; img.setAttribute('nosudispl', '1'); t.up = 1; var trn = t.p.$('.SF_IIAD_TRANS', t.p.$(t.ii[ind])); t.ii[ind].onmouseover = function () { trn.css({ "opacity" : "1", "filter" : "alpha(opacity=100)" }); t.p.$('#SF_IIAD_ADT').css("display", "block"); }; t.ii[ind].onmouseout = function () { trn.css({ "opacity" : "0.9", "filter" : "alpha(opacity=90)" }); t.p.$('#SF_IIAD_ADT').css("display", "none"); }; t.p.$('#IIAD_PRT_INFO', t.ii[ind]).off().click(function() { t.oi(ind); }); t.p.$('#IIAD_PRT_INFO_CLOSE, #qb', t.ii[ind]).off().click(function() { t.oi(ind); }); t.p.$('.SF_IIAD_MORE', t.ii[ind]).click(function(){ t.pl(this); }); t.cn(ind, b); if(t.iiExplore2Search){ var explr = t.p.$(".SF_II_TEXT_SEARCH"); if(explr){ t.p.$(explr).hover(function(e){ clearTimeout(t.extrSearchTO); if(!t.iiExploreHoverReport) { t.sendiiStats("ii_explore_hover"); t.iiExploreHoverReport = 1 ; } t.p.$("#iiExplorer").animate({width: "show",paddingLeft: "show",paddingRight: "show",marginLeft: "show",marginRight: "show"},200); },function(e){ t.hideExtraSearch(t.p); }); t.p.$("#iiExplorer").hover(function(e){ clearTimeout(t.extrSearchTO); },function(e){ t.hideExtraSearch(t.p); }); } } var it, pr, txt, iim, sr; for (i = 0; i < t.itNum[ind]; i++) { it = t.p.$('#SF_IIAD_ITEM_'+ ind +'_'+i, t.p.$(t.ii[ind]))[0]; if (it) { it.ind = i; if(!superfish.b.inimget){ t.p.$(it).hover(function (e) { var th = this; t.si(t.p.$(this), 1); if (t.b.iiHv) { t.htm = setTimeout (function() { t.rs(th); }, 1000); } }, function (e) { t.si(t.p.$(this), 0); if (t.b.iiHv) { clearTimeout(t.htm); } }); } iim = t.p.$('a.iiim', t.p.$(it)); if (iim) { iim.hover(function () { t.hov(this, 1); }, function () { t.hov(this, 0) }); } } if (it) { im = t.p.$('img.SF_IIAD_IMG', t.p.$(it))[0]; im2 = t.p.$('img.SF_IIADOV_IMG', t.p.$(it))[0]; } sr = (window.location.protocol.indexOf( "https" ) > -1 ? o[i].imagePath.replace("http:", "https:") : o[i].imagePath); if (im) { im.onload = function(im, sp){ return function(){ t.im(im, sp); } }(im, 'SF_II_LOAD_'+ind+'_'+i); im.src = sr; } if (im2) { im2.onload = function(im2, sp){ return function(){ t.im(im2, sp); } }(im2, 'SF_II_LOADOV_'+ind+'_'+i); im2.src = sr; } } // insert wakeup bubble if flag is on if( img.sfwakeup ){ var t = this, sp = spsupport.p; // wait for startDOMEnumeration to finish setTimeout(function(){ var ssimUrl = spsupport.p.imgPath +'si0.png'; // ssimUrl = superfish.b.cdn.getFileUrl('image', ssimUrl); var offset = spsupport.api.getImagePosition(img), seeSimilar = '', html = 'COMPARE and SAVE' + '

    Click on the '+ seeSimilar +' button for instant price comparissons.

    ', wakeupDiv; wakeupDiv = t.wakeupDiv = spsupport.p.$('
    ', { html: html, css: { width: offset.w - 50 + 'px', height: '70px', position: 'absolute', top: ( offset.y + offset.h - 180 ) + 'px', left: offset.x + 'px', backgroundColor: '#fff', padding: '15px 25px 30px', font: '15px/1.2 sans-serif', textAlign: 'left', zIndex: '90000', borderRadius: '7px', boxShadow: '0px 0px 10px 2px #267ADD', border: '1px solid #267add' } }).appendTo( document.body ); //send stats var data = { "action": "wakeupBubble", "userid": sp.userid, "sessionid": superfish.util.currentSessionId } spsupport.api.jsonpRequest( sp.sfDomain_ + sp.sessRepAct, data ); // close button var closewakeup = spsupport.p.$('', { text: 'X', href: '#', css: { width: '16px', height: '16px', position: 'absolute', top: '12px', right: '5px', color: '#081b45', fontWeight: 'bold', textDecoration: 'none' }, click: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); wakeupDiv.hide(); var data = { "action": "wakeupClose", "userid": sp.userid, "sessionid": superfish.util.currentSessionId } spsupport.api.jsonpRequest( sp.sfDomain_ + sp.sessRepAct, data, null, null, null, this.requestImg ); } }).appendTo( wakeupDiv ); spsupport.api.positionSFDiv( img ); }, 2000); } superfish.utilities.sfWatcher.complete("in image allenby complete"); } };; superfish.inimg = inimg = { xdMsgDelimiter: superfish.b.xdMsgDelimiter, h: superfish.b.largerIi ? 69 : 61, // height hAdd: superfish.b.inimgDisplayBox == 2 ? 18 : 12, iiExtands: superfish.b.inImageextands, iiRatio: superfish.b.inImageextands ? 1.5 : 3, y: [], /* y positions */ iw: superfish.b.largerIi ? 66 : 57, // Item width pd: 3, // Padding between items inf: 12, // Width of panel buttons g: '#C3C3C3', // Gray - default g2: '#acaeb0',// Gray - over itn: 0, // Number of items res: [], // Array of flags for Plugin stage sep: [], ii: [], // In-Image node se: [], // search session itNum: [], iiInd: 0, // Index of image/item lai: [], // Array of icon data per image sm: 0, // Shift of image position dv: [], // array of DIV's htm: 0, // hover timer () wakeupDiv: null, features: {}, itemWidth: 98, cssMain: '', //number of product to display nPr:4, // Validate image vi: function(imw, imh, all) { var t = this, h = this.h*this.iiRatio, sv = 0, add = 0; if (imh > h && !superfish.b.noIcon || superfish.b.noIcon) { var sp = imw - t.inf + 4, iw = t.iw + t.pd; t.itn = parseInt(sp/iw); if (t.itn) { t.gp = parseInt(sp%iw/2); if (t.itn < 3) { sv = t.itn; add = Math.round(sp/10); sp = sp + add; t.itn = parseInt(sp/iw); t.sm = (t.itn > sv ? Math.round(add/2) : 0); } return t.itn; } } return 0; }, // Create In-Image node cr: function(ht, b, ind, hd) { var t = this; var s = t.p.prodPage.p && t.p.prodPage.p.style ? t.p.prodPage.p.style.padding : 0; var pb = 0, pl = 0, pr = 0; if (s && s.length > 0) { s = s.split(' '); switch(s.length){ case 1: pb = pl = pr = parseInt(s[0]); break; case 2: pb = parseInt(s[0]); pl = pr = parseInt(s[1]); break; case 3: pb = parseInt(s[2]); pr = parseInt(s[1]); break; case 4: pb = parseInt(s[2]); pr = parseInt(s[1]); pl = parseInt(s[3]); break; } } t.y[ind] = t.lai[ind].y + t.lai[ind].h - t.h; if (t.dv[ind] && t.iiExtands) { t.y[ind] = t.y[ind] + t.h; } if(!t.iiExtands) t.y[ind] -= t.h; this.w += (pl+pr); var prt = b.psuSupportedByText; if (t.w < 115) { var by = prt.indexOf('by '); if (by > -1) prt = prt.substring(by, prt.length); } var lft = this.lai[ind].x-this.sm; var bs = 'height:'+ (this.h+this.hAdd) +'px;position: absolute;'; var as = 'border: none !important;'; var sz = (this.w < 145 && b.psuSupportedByText.length > 25 ? 6 : 7); var ft = 'font-family:Arial,Helvetica,Verdana !important;font-size:'+sz+'pt !important;color:#777777 !important;text-decoration:none !important;'; var ms = bs +'width:'+ this.w +'px;background: transparent; overflow: visible; z-index: 12010 !important; left: '+ lft +'px !important; top: '+ this.y[ind] +'px;' + (b.inimgDisplayBox == 2 ? 'border:1px solid #CCCCCC;' : ''); ms += (hd ? 'display: none;' : ''); ms += (!t.iiExtands ? 'border:1px solid #dddddd;':''); var gardientBg = 'background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #FFFFFF), color-stop(1, #C9C9C9) );' + 'background: -moz-linear-gradient( center top, #FFFFFF 5%, #C3C3C3 100% );' + '-ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=\'#FFFFFF\', endColorstr=\'#C3C3C3\');' + 'filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=\'#FFFFFF\', endColorstr=\'#C3C3C3\');'; var suppurtedByPosSt = b.inimgDisplayBox == 2 ? 'position:absolute;top:3px;padding-left:2px;height: 10px !important; overflow: hidden; line-height:10px !important;' : 'position:absolute;bottom:0px;left: 2px;height: 10px !important; overflow: hidden; line-height:10px !important;z-index:1;'; return ( '' ); }, sh: function(ind) { /* for no_icon only */ if (typeof(ind) == "number" && ind > -1) { if (this.ii[ind] && this.ii[ind].style.display == 'none') { this.ii[ind].style.display = 'block'; this.dv[ind].style.display = 'block'; this.u.fixDivsPos(); } } }, ih : function(it, i, ind) { /* item html */ if (it) { var t = this; var tr = 'target = "_blank"'; var l = 12; var pr = (it.price.length > 6 ? it.price.split('.')[0] : it.price); var tl = t.trw(it.title, 126); var is1 = (t.p.isIEQ ? t.iw - 14 : t.iw - 7); var is2 = (t.p.isIEQ ? t.iw - 14 : t.iw - 12); var is3 = 110; var arr = 20; var lip = parseInt((t.iw+t.pd)*i); var lp = parseInt((t.iw+t.pd)*i) + t.iw/2 - arr/2; var elp = t.transPad-4; var nfw = 324; var en = elp + nfw; var ar2 = lp + arr; var starsUrl = t.p.sfDomain + 'inimg/img/stars.png'; //starsUrl = superfish.b.cdn.getFileUrl('image', starsUrl); var starsSmUrl = t.p.sfDomain + 'inimg/img/stars_sm.png'; //starsSmUrl = superfish.b.cdn.getFileUrl('image', starsSmUrl); var stl1 = 'height: 13px;width: '+ t.iw +'px;position: absolute;top: 40px;left:'+(t.transPad + lip)+'px;text-align: left;overflow: hidden;background-color: #ffffff;border-top: solid 1px #b57634;border-right: solid 1px #b57634;border-bottom: solid 1px #b57634;'; var stl3 = 'height: 10px;left: 8px;position: absolute;top: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? 0 : 1) + 'px;width: 55px;background: url('+ starsUrl + ') 0 0 repeat;'; var stl2 = 'border-color: transparent transparent transparent #B57634;border-style: solid;border-width: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? '6px 0 6px 6px' : '8px 0 8px 6px') + ';position: absolute;top: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? -1 : -2) + 'px;left:0;font-size: 0;height: 0;line-height: 0;width: 0;'; var stl5 = 'border-color: transparent transparent transparent #ffffff;border-style: solid;border-width: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? '5px 0 5px 5px' : '7px 0 7px 5px') + ';position: absolute;top: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? 41 : 40) + 'px;left:'+(t.transPad + lip)+'px;font-size: 0;height: 0;line-height: 0;width: 0;'; var stl11 = 'height: 16px;width: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? 185 : 192 ) + 'px;position: absolute;top: 77px;left:132px;line-height: 20px;text-align: left;overflow: hidden;font-family: Helvetica !important;background-color: #ffffff;border-top: solid 2px #b57634;border-right: solid 2px #b57634;border-bottom: solid 2px #b57634;'; var stl33 = 'height: 12px;left: 16px;position: absolute;top: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? 0 : 1) + 'px;width: 65px;background: url('+ starsSmUrl + ') 0 0 repeat;'; var stl22 = 'border-color: transparent transparent transparent #B57634;border-style: solid;border-width: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? '8px 0 8px 8px' : '10px 0 10px 10px') + ';font-size: 0;height: 0;left: 2px;line-height: 0;position: absolute;top: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? -2 : -2) + 'px;width: 0;'; var stl55 = 'border-color: transparent transparent transparent #F4F4F4;border-style: solid;border-width: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? '8px 0 8px 8px' : '10px 0 10px 10px') + ';cursor: pointer;position: absolute;top: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? 77 : 77) + 'px;left:132px;font-size: 0;height: 0;line-height: 0;width: 0;'; var stl66 = 'color: #333333;position: absolute;top: ' + (t.p.isIEQ ? -5 : -2) + 'px;left: 90px; font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 10px;'; var hf = (en > ar2 ? 0 : ar2 - en + 10); elp = elp + hf; spsupport.share.init(t.p.sfDomain); var st = t.trw(it.merchantName.split('.com')[0], 17); var bestPriceInimg = ''; var bestPriceInimgItem = ''; var cpn = '', cpnIt = ''; if(t.inimgBestPr.isBestPr && t.inimgBestPr.imagePath === it.imagePath){ bestPriceInimg = '
    '+ '
    '+ 'Best Price' + '
    '; bestPriceInimgItem = '
    '+ '
    '+ 'Best Price. You save ' + t.inimgBestPr.origPrice.sign + t.inimgBestPr.saveAmount +' ('+ t.inimgBestPr.savePrecentage +'%)
    '; t.features.bp = 1; } if (it.rating && bestPriceInimg === '') { var rt = Math.min(it.rating, 5); var w = rt * 11, w1 = rt * 13; var stl4 = 'height: 10px;left: 0;position: absolute;top: 0;width: '+w+'px;background: url('+ starsUrl + ') 0 -10px repeat;'; var stl44 = 'height: 12px;left: 0;position: absolute;top: 0;width: '+w1+'px;background: url('+ starsSmUrl + ') 0 -12px repeat;'; bestPriceInimg = '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    '; bestPriceInimgItem = '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    ' + (it.reviewsCount ? '
    ('+ it.reviewsCount +')
    ' : '') + '
    ' + '
    '; t.features.rt = 1; } var freeSh = ''; if (it.freeShipping) { freeSh = '
    Free Shipping
    '; t.features.fs = 1; } if(it.haveCoupons && bestPriceInimg === ''){ bestPriceInimg = '
    '+ '
    '+ 'Store Coupon' + '
    '; bestPriceInimgItem = '
    '+ '
    '+ ' Store Coupon Available
    '; t.features.cp = 1; } var searchUrl = spsupport.api.getSrUrl(t.lai[ind],2); return( '
    ' + bestPriceInimg + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + pr + ''+ freeSh + '
    ' ); } else { return ''; } }, im: function(nd, sp) { /* show image */ var t = this; var s = t.p.$('#' + sp, nd.parentNode)[0]; t.p.$(nd).css({'opacity': '0'}); if (s) { s.style.display = 'none'; } nd.style.display = 'inline'; t.p.$(nd).css({'opacity': '1', 'filter' : 'alpha(opacity=100)' }); t.p.$(nd).fadeIn(600, function(){}); }, bt: function(nd, e, bt, color, ob) { /* button: 1 - move, 2 - close */ var t = this; var ind = (nd ? nd.parentNode.getAttribute('id') : 0); ind = (ind ? +(ind.split('SF_IIAD_')[1]) : -1); if (e == 2) { if (bt == 1) { var r = t.h - 10; if (t.up) { t.mv((t.y[ind] + r), (t.h - r), 0, ind, ob); nd.style.backgroundPosition = '-64px -13px'; } else { t.mv(t.y[ind], t.h, 1, ind, ob); nd.style.backgroundPosition = '-64px -26px'; } } else if( bt == 2) { this.u.closePopup(); this.cl(ind, 1); this.u.fixDivsPos(); } } }, mv: function(tp, h, nu, ind, ob) { // Collapse / Expand var t = this; if (t.ii[ind]) { if (!nu) { t.ii[ind].style.overflow = 'hidden'; } t.p.$(t.ii[ind]).animate({ top: tp, height: h }, 800, null, function() { if (nu) { t.ii[ind].style.overflow = 'visible'; } t.up = nu; }); } }, cl: function(ind, click) { // Close var t = this; if (t.ii[ind]) { t.p.$(t.ii[ind]).remove(); if (t.dv[ind]) { t.p.$(t.dv[ind]).remove(); } if (t.ii[ind].img) { t.ii[ind].img.removeAttribute('sfnoicon'); } } if (click) { setTimeout( function(){ t.u.jpR(t.p.sfDomain_ + t.p.sessRepAct, { "action" : "inimg close", "userid" : t.p.userid,